Madison sometimes forgets his feral heritage and shows us his cute big belly. He has always had a sinus condition and he snores really loud! He has been sick the last week and he was diagnosed with a respiratory infection....which means pills and pink stuff for him! As long as I don't have to take it. His snuffling got to be a bit too much, but it should be back under control soon.
He's adjusting to life with Cecilia in the workshop. Mom suspects they may be quite the happy couple since we all saw Cecilia headbutt Madison.
Oh no! Mom sees that belly and screams SNORGLETIME!!!!
Glad Madison and Cecelia are doing good together!
Awe! Headbutts!! I bet they are gonna be great friends. We hope the sinus issue gets resolved really fast! *Purrs for Madison as he recovers*
~The Creek Cats~
SQUEEEEEEEEEE - kitty belly - MeezerMom
You'll haf to excuse our insane mommy
Mom loves that tummy, Madison! We hope you take all your yucky medicines and get better real quick, OK?
Madison I snore too(Psst don't tell anyone) but Momma thinks it adorable...you can hear me all through the house...
Pee SSsss hope yoo feel better...
Madison, I hope you feel better really soon! Those nasty URIs are the pits! I will kiss that belly now!!! * KISS< KISS *
Mom wants to pat you! Why the humans haven't inveted the cat-a-pat for computers? They have to make more stupid things and never think about it!
:o3 Brownie
Crap...mom saw da tummy and started snorggling us! We'z sorry yoo gotta take ucky medisin, and we sure hope yoor cold goes away fast.
Hi Cory, Jonesie, Cecilia, Ginger, Bennette, Madison and Grete! It is so nice to meet you!
Madison, our Momma wants to kiss your cute belly! She says it is so inviting for kissies and rubs! And Madison, I snore too, but maybe it is because I am the elder kitty here, or is it because I love my Daddy best and he snores, so I want to emulate him! Does that sound like a good excuse ... hee hee!
Purrs and headbutts,
Oh Madison, that belly is very inviting!! We better go before the PM tries to smell it. Yes, smell it. She's a tad cuckoo!!!!
She says mine smells like
Purrs Goldie and Shade
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