Monday, May 24, 2010

Meowza Monday- Cats with Jobs

I'm SO excited!  I have my very first job!  Toy tester!  I was especially thrilled for this assignment because I have been heart broken ever since my beloved "Snakeie" went to meet his maker.   Yes, after tossing my prize toy and biting on it's neck, I finally beheaded it and now it is no more.   It was one of the saddest days of my life.  Mom has tried to find a suitable replacement, but all I can do is console myself with little soft soccer balls and toy mice.  Not the same.

So when our furriends Jane and Alice needed some help testing out some toys, we immediately raised our paws.  I was amazed to see "Annie Conda" the snake!  I immediately ran to it.   I put the bitey on it's neck!   The head size and bite feel were awesome, but the body was a little to big for me to get in my mouth so I couldn't carry it around.  I walked away.
Hmmmm...what's this momma?

Woo hoo!  Bunnykick party!!!  

So momma Ellie had some advice to share on how to make the snake more, well, snakelike.   Cory gave it 4 paws up...and kicking!  We can hardly wait to see Annie Conda v2.  


Gemini and Ichiro said...

It makes me want to play with it too! Lucky you to get Annie Conda!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Me too, me too! I wanna job just like yours.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Hi Grete!

It's nice to see the khats making themselves useful!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie

Cat Street Boyz said...

Hey Ellie, that looks like a cool toy but it is surprising a pretty girl likes snakes!=^Y^=

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

That's great that you're a toy tester and may find a replacement for your favorite toy. We wanted to watch the video but it keeps saying it is not available.

Summer at said...

Shows what my human and I get for being up late - your video is still being processed! I will have to wait until morning to check it out. Am very curious about how you run your quality control, Cory. I may learn some new tips.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We had the same problem with the video, but we enjoyed the photos and the excellent review! Good work girls!

The Chans

Anonymous said...

Ellie, we think Annie Condas are s'posed to be very large!

Rats. Cory's video iz not available. Whitey haz srsly big sad.

The Florida Furkids said...

That Annie Conda looks pawsome. We couldn't see the video either...we'll come back later.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Kea said...

You're a terrific toy-tester! The video was unavailable for us, though.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha! Thank you SO much for testing Annie! We LOVE the photo of Miss Ellie putting the bitey on it!!! We'll make sure you get an updated version, based on your feedback.

Brian's Home Blog said...

You really do have a great're a professional toy cool!

The Creek Cats said...

How fun! Isn't being a toy tester the most fun!!!
We weren't able to watch the video :( we'll try again later.

The Island Cats said...

Hey, where can we get a job like that??!? You really put Annie Conda to the test!!

(pee ess. we couldn't view the video either for some reason!)

Daisy said...

That snake toy looks awesome!

Forever Foster said...

What a fabulous looking toy! We will check back later for the video, as we bet it's super cute :)

Cory said...

Sorry everyone...good help is hard to find. I'm having my mom re-upload the video to youtube and she'lll re-post. You don't want to miss my bunnykicking action!

las794 said...

Outstanding bunny-kicking, Cory!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

WOW! Annie Conda looks awesome AND we didn't know Cory could bunny kick so well. That video would be an excellent olympic entry! MOL!

Angel Simba said...

From your two reactions, maybe Annie Conda should come in two versions. The bigger bunny-kickable one, and a thinner, potable one.

Raymond and Busby said...

The video is working now and it's very fun! Cory seems to really like Anna Conda!

The Monkeys said...

We think Annie Conda looks like a lot of fun! Cory, you're so good at bunny-kicking!

Katnip Lounge said...

Holy Cats! Toy tester? You guys are SO lucky! Annie Conda looks like a blast...and is that Nigel's floofy tail in the fantastically furious bunnykicking video?

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We think that snake looks fun!!!!

Cory, Meowm laughed and laugher watching you bunny kick that snake!

Lisa Kolosey said...

Yay! Toys! What great fun!
~Lisa Co9T

Jacqueline said...

What a fun video; Cory was too adorable bunny kicking and killing that snake!...We want jobs just like yours, where can we apply??!...Happy week sweeties...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Summer at said...

Now that the video is live, I got to see... wow Cory, you really gave that toy a beating and it totally stood up to it! You are a TOUGH tester!

P.S. Who was that purring in the background? I do not think it was your human.

Anonymous said...

You are putting one heckuva bitie on Annie Conda! GREAT tasting, um, we mean, Testing!

Pip said...

I think that snake is deaded. Nice job Cory!

Mickey's Musings said...

Oooooooooo!! That is a pawsome job :o
Looks fun too!! We know you two will find the right type of toys for all of us kitties!!! You get to have some in the process ;) heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Cory Clark said...

Wow! We want to play, too!! Great action video, Cory! Awesome bunny kicks!

Where do we send in our employment application to be toy testers too??? That sounds like a dream job!

Have a Happy Week!!

Nico & JayJay :)

Purrfect Haven said...

hahaha we LOVED the video - what strength in those bunny kicks. Toy tester is an ace job but perhaps not quite as good as munchies tester? Love Darcy and Bingley xx

Pip said...

I bet the compost monster helps Jonesie with her gardening!
We laffs about the poo-flags.

Quill and Greyson said...

Wow! Look at that kickin action! I hope you get a version that makes you happy Ellie.

Hope Jonesie like the composter!