Monday, April 19, 2010

Mancat Monday

One year...

2 months...

and 6 days.

That is how long it has taken me to get to share a bed with the love of my life, Ellie.

I hope it doesn't take this long for it to happen again.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Well I am not sure either of you looks really happy--but it's a start!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo men wear us down eventually!

PeeEssWoo: Hi Grete!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Oh, you two are so sweet!

Sushi said...

That is the sweetest...

MandaBurms FarmStay for Cats. said...

We heard Laura wacked Lordy - they are in the loooove shack together this week. Laura is rather bossy.

Winston said...

Ellie seems to be giving Nigel the cold shoulder in the last couple of shots, but they do look gorgeous together.

Ellen Whyte said...


The Florida Furkids said...

Ellie must be falling for your handsome ManCatlyness!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Anonymous said...

Oh, you've got your paw in the door so to speak. . . it'll happen again!

Parker said...


The Creek Cats said...

That is so wonderful!!!! We love the pictures, they just melt our hearts!

Anonymous said...

Looks like it was worth the wait. Congratulations

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Nigel, we thinks it will happen more now that you have broken the ice so to speak. ~AFSS

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Awwwwww ... patience reaps rewards in the end.

The Island Cats said...

Aw...Nigel...persistence paid off!! Enjoy your nap with sweet Ellie!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

It took awhile but that's progress!!

Daisy said...

Ah, but it was worth the wait!

Kea said...

Awwww, sometimes good things do come to those who wait. :-)

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That is so sweet, Nigel! You look wonderful together!

The Whiskeratti said...

You are a patient mankitteh, Nigel. And you two make a lovely couple.

JC said...

Aren't you cute !!!
None of my cats nap together ...

Raymond and Busby said...

Nigel, anything worth having is worth waiting for. xoxo

Angel Simba said...

Who was the holdout? Ellie?You look so compatible there.

Anonymous said...

Awwww... maybe if we make that 1 million years, Whitey and Grayson will share a bed. Srsly.

Whitey and Gandalf are on Lockdown again. Mom's gonna ask Dr. Tad for a refill on the Prozac. And maybe some for her, too. ::sigh::

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Nigel, we can see why you love are total cuteness together!!!!!!!!

Pip said...

Concatulations Nigel!

Katnip Lounge said...

Can an earwash be far behind?
xx Lounge Kats

Anonymous said...

YAY for you, Nigel!!! You look like you are in absolute heaven!

Jacqueline said...

Love the photos, they are very sweet; good luck Nigel, Ellie's awesome!!...You guys make an adorable couple!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Ellie~~~Nigel looks like a great mancat.....snuggle with him lots!

CCL Wendy said...

O Nigel! What a rapturous day for you! I think Ellie just plays hard to get. It's obvious she likes you, too!


How sweet you two look!


Summer at said...

Nigel, you are VERY patient! But it looks like you still have a ways to go if you're going to win her over. Keep at it!

Quill and Greyson said...

Well look at that!!

Annie Bear said...

Awww...Nigel, your persistence really paid off. What a sweetie you are to wait for her.