They started getting weird. The lady human, who is referring to herself as "mom"...starts talking about this really great website. It's a prince name generator she says. Oh no! Did I end up with a bunch of loonies or what? All she has to do is hit a button and she ends up with endless goofy names, for example "Prince Maurice Laurence Rupert de Lyfeld"...is she kidding me?
At this point, "hey you" is sounding pretty good. Call me anything, just don't call me late for dinner, ok?

So after 3 days behind the couch I decided that maybe it would be ok to come out. This "mom" person has this flashy box, but I think it's ok. I have continued to stare at her while she continues to talk to me. She even tried calling me "Rumpelstiltskin"! I have responded by meowing loudly throughout the night. I know she wants to pet me cause I'm so handsome, but for now she is holding back. I can see it's hard on her. Apparently I look like her beloved departed Jonathan.
So now I'm being told that on Friday I have a really big day planned. That is the day I go back to the v-e-t and get my hoo-ha-ectomy...plus I'm going to get a microchip. That means they better get busy on a proper name for me. It better not be Rumpelstiltskin...
xoxo Mr. B, the cat soon to be formerly known as Bojangles
***UPDATE*** Please vote for my new name! If you don't like the choices, add your idea in the comment section.
We might not know your name yet, but we know one thing: Man, you got the priorities set just right! Heat vent and dinner! Ha! So Friday is the big day?! Don't worry, you'll feel much better afterwards.
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
P.S.: We're gonna check that name generator now. Mom was playing with the idea on naming Chilli after a word verification. Ours right now is Collin. Hihihi...
The name generator gives up impressive names! Wow, you'd sound like king of the neighbourhood with that one. You look very cozy sitting by the vent. We hope you're learning to relax with your family:)
I'm so happy that you are settling in - I bet you get a great new name!
Oh boy!! Sitting by the heater vent is great!! We love to do that :)
We hope the beans find your name. We think you are a mighty fine looking cat!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
You're a very handsome and regal looking boy! Mom thinks you'd do well with a Shakespearean name like Othello or Macbeth. She's partial to biblical, Shakespearean or historical names...I mean Samson and Delilah?!
We hope you tell them your name soon so they will stop with the ridiculous ones!
One things for sure, you are one funny dude and furry handsome!
Let us tell ya, "looney" will become your new "normal" so you may as well get used to the idea. We all had to. We all ended up at the looney bin here on the creek, but it's ok.
Sounds like a very big day for you on Friday, but don't worry, you're gonna be just peachy after its all over and will probably get lotsa treats too!
Great song for this post!
You are looking very handsome. I am glad you came out!
we king of agree on the rumplestoopidname thing, but you HAS to get a name so that you can get your pikshur and bio on the sidebar! since you doesn't seem to care about your name as long as you're on the heater, can we call you Maurice until you get your name?
oh we meant we KIND of agree, sheesh, good typing help is hard to find
You are doing so well Mr. B! I hope you tell your humans your name soon. I can't wait to hear it!
You are a very handsome fellow! Glad you have a nice vent to yourself!!
Even though you are floofy, you do what we like to do...sit near the heat vents!
We have a friend with a black Norwegian Forest cat named Snowflake...no kidding! So that's our contribution to the name game.
Teri and the cats of Furrydance
We think you need a fierce and ferocious name that's cute too. Can't thing of anything right now - but we'll get back to you!
You might not be revealing your name but you do have your priorities right!
We can't wait to find out what your name is!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
You look kind of cosy and at home there. Bojangles sounds perfectly fine to me. Good luck on Friday! I have one of those chip things too.
I guess Mom was thinking about the Vent and thought perhaps Vente (like the size at Starbucks). I still like Mr BJ
You look like my D'Artagnan, but you've got longer hair...
Mr. Rochester (from Jane Eyre)?
Edmund Dantes (Count of Monte Cristo)?
Ooh! Ooh! I know! The Count!
Mikhailovich (Dostoyevsky)?
Okay, okay... I know. All literary names. I'm a book nut.
But truly, how about Mr. Darcy? I really think it would work. You're very regal, just like Jane Austen's characer.
Oh - by the way, be careful with microchipping. Some brands put pets (and their humans) at a higher risk of cancer. I was going to chip my five, but then I decided it wasn't worth it.
You are sure a handsome guy. We hope you get a suitable name (not one of those weird ones from the prince site).
You've evidently found a home where you'll be loved and cuddled (eventually), so we're happy for you.
That's a great pickshure of you! And us Ballicai are so happy that you've founded a wunnerful home.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
We think Valentino would be a good name!
You are a handsome cat! I have a solid black cat that I raised with a bottle since his eyes opened. He was so tiny that I called him my "little lump of coal". So his name became Coal. It was either that or "Mole" because that what I thought he was at first! What do you think of the name Coal?
PS. Coal also loves the heating vent!
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