I have been hanging out in this great yard for a couple of years. I used to have a home because I used to have a collar and a bell. That is why the man here started referring to me as "Bojangles"...because I jangled. Whatever dude. My name is not Bojangles. You need to figure that out.

I'm then stuck in this room, and I'm thinking maybe it's ok because I can look out the window and its warm...but then on Friday morning when I'm perfectly happy sleeping under the couch, I'm ambushed and the lady actually picks up the couch and the man grabs me and stuffs me in a box! I am then taken against my will to this place...where they had to give me drugs to sedate me. I'm told that they examined me, scanned me, stole my blood and then gave me deworming medicine, clipped my claws, flea dipped me, shaved off some mats, gave me an antibiotic shot and found what they called "hoohas". I know I'm furry but if you asked I could have told you I had them. Really.
So anyway, now I'm back in the room. These people say they are happy because my blood test shows I'm negative for FIV and Leukemia. I just have an upper respiratory infection. I could have told them that if they just asked. Now my hoohas are going to be scheduled to be :choke: removed once I recover from my illness. I'm all snuffly and icky from my cold, but they say that should only last a short while. The Dr. who saw me today said I'm about 3-4 years old, which the man here said makes sense because when he first saw me cruising for his catnip that was about 2 1/2 years ago.
They are talking about giving me a "real" name since Bojangles, Mr. B, etc. was just my "cat passing through the yard name".
Whatever... it's Valentines Day and there are 5 lady cats on the other side of the door and I can do nothing about it! Someone at some point in my life left me to fend for myself. I will see if I can open my heart again.
Signed "Bojangles" aka BJ, aka Mr. B
Glad you went to the vet, B. See that's what you get for having a catnip addiction! Just kidding. You'll feel a lot better after your cold is gone.
That is about the bestest news for today! Awesome "Bojangles", aka BJ, aka Mr. B! You'll see, you'll be able to open up your heart in no time. And what a great day to do your first post: Valentine's Day! Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!
Siena & Chilli
Hi Mr B,
We are so glad the comments are working today - cos we keep trying to leave comments and the pooter won't let her. (We hope it let's us leave this one).
Anyway, we are so glad your tests were good news and you have found yourself a lovely place wiv caring people who will look out for you. That is a wonderful Valentine's day present.
Praps you should be called Valentino? Wot wiv you still having hoo-hars and it being Valentine's Day etc! Wot do you think?
Oh Mr. B. It can be hard when you're a kitty! You just wait. In a few weeks when you've had time to start settling in and relax, you won't believe how good you've got it! We are happy that you got good marks at the vet!
Happy Valentines Day to your new family!:)
I like BJ :) Bj and the bear.. I think...
Oh wow though is it just extra wonderful news that he is negative.. and we must say he certainly is on excellent behavior for a kitty still with his "jangles".. I would let you out to woo the ladeez Bj.. ;)
Boy did you wander into the best yard in the neighborhood, my friend! Your story reminds me of the day I was trapped int the metal cage. Turned out to be the best day of my life.
Sorry to hear you have a URI, but I'm so glad to hear those tests were negative, that is fabulous news! Oh and all us Mancats have lost our hoohas, it happens to the best of us. Don't worry, you'll be fine!
Btw, Cory, you so gotta get a nip naner. However, so you don't run into the same problem we had.....make sure they get more than one! We saw they make nip sardines that are supposed to have high stinkability factor.
Happy Valentine's Day
Hi ya, Mr. B or whatever your name is! Hey, you may not be too happy right now, but we think you will be! That's a good home you're in now!
Don't let those girlcats get to you!!!
I like Mr. BJ but I'm sure your family will uncover your true cat name... but maybe the nice man got it right.
Now, you have found yourself in a sweet situation over there and I know you will love all of them in no time.
Hi Mr. Mystery Cat
We think you're gonna be fine. Just keep the humans busy and let them feed you regularly. And keep blogging!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Its nice to hear things from your POV. I hope you get a good name and treat those ladies right! Especially Ms. Cory!
Oh...that song...
Your story makes mom so sad...and happy now that you're ok of course.
I got left to fend for myself for a long time too, and the adjustment back to a home, with all the vet visits and new things is so scary...but totally worth it! That's such good news that your tests came back negative and hopefully you'll be all healthy soon now that you're in a nice warm place with good food. I hope you start to relax and feel more at home soon. Can't wait to hear your name! Happy Valentine's Day.
- Georgia
Hi Mr. B! I am glad you got all checked up, and all is good with you. It sounds like you have already found love again, and I feel sure that you will be able to open your heart again. Happy Valentine's Day!
Welcome, Mr B! You've certainly lucked in with your new home. You'll get lots of love and be well looked after.
You are such a lucky kitty to have found such a wonderful new home. It is excellent that you tested negative for those scary diseases and that you are getting such great care. You are going to be so happy there.
Hi Mr B,BJ,Bo,heehee
It's so good that you are pretty healthy!!
You are in a super nice home too!! It will be fun,well,except for the 'losing the hoohas part!!!!
We know you are captive,but Happy Valentine's Day to you and all your new family!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Happy Valentine's Day soon to be FKA Bojangles, we are so glad that you checked out well at the V-E-T as far as not having any of those terrible diseases! As far as your respiratory thingy goes, that is nothing compared to the bad things, you will get well from that really soon. We think that since it is Valentine's Day and you have a new family to love and are so lucky be with them, maybe you should be called "Lucky Valentine", we think that would work for a mancat! That is only food for thought ... hee hee!
Many hugs, purrs and headbutts to all of you, furriends,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
I'm glad to hear you're free of those diseases and are in a great home!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Nice to meet you Mr. B! It's scary being caught and taken to the v-e-t. It happened to me just a few months ago when I was a little baby. But it's nice having a home. I know you will grow to love it
You, my friend, have landed in a pot of gold! I am so happy that you don't have any bad kitty diseases and soon you will see how wondeful life can be!
Trust me, open your heart and let it happen!
I can't wait till we learn your name!
Hi Mr. B. Glad to see you on the inside!You are now a part of a super duper family!!!!
Are you ever going to tell them your real name???
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