Come into my garden and let's see what's going on this week.

Here next to the raised bed, we have a few daffodils starting to poke out of the grass (I mean moss).

Dad did his work and chopped up some of last years leaves to mulch the garden. They still need to get with it and clean out the remains of last years strawberries.

Here in the herb garden I'm trying to send a message...let's see if you can figure it out....

I'm saying it's time to clean out the rest of the beds so we're ready to plant in the spring!!
Jonesie, we love to see your garden and hear all about the gardening you're in charge of. We think you make a superb Head-gardner!
Jonesie, you are lucky that your humans help you in the garden. Here, I have to do all the work alone it seems. But then, my garden is much, much smaller then yours. I'm still a Gardening Cat in training...
We've got snowdrops, the first crocus and hellebores blooming. Yay!
Purrs, Siena
Your humans are way ahead of ours. And your garden is ahead too. Your garden looks lovely. We love herbs on hope the humans will plan a lot in our cat yards.
Now I know why you has such a bueatiful garden Jonesie!
It's a cause your momma and dadda just love being out there doing somthing with you... the best way to someones heart is to share and intrest :))
Jonesie - I hope some catnip will be planted!
We bet your daffodils will grow to be beautiful! What a happy flower they are.
Beautiful garden, Jonesie! You're a great snoopervisor
Jonesie, you're a great motivator. Your parents are waaay ahead of ours. In fact, ours don't have a garden. Perhaps you can come by our house and do a motivational speaking to get them on the ball!
Hi Jonesie! We hope your mom and dad get your garden cleaned up soon! We still got snow in our yard...a little it's suppose to get up to 50F so maybe what's left will be gone!
Our daffs are just starting to come up too. I hope that they do not get too cold in the snow. You are lucky you don't have any there.
That looks great!!!!!!! I can't wait to get out there and dig and poop in the raised beds. Ahhhh........
That got the PM's fingers twitching!!! She's planning her new herb garden this weekend!!!
Purrs Goldie
Jonesie, you are doing such a great snoopervising job in the garden. Make sure they have catnip on their planting list! :)
-Gandalf and Grayson
Hihihihi, we're glad your mom found out about the hidden messages in our photos. Sometimes we can tell by the comments who reads them and who not. Purrs, Siena & Chilli
It's so nice of you to help out in the garden! And I'm happy to hear that the flowers are starting to come up!
We'd need to shovel da snow off in order to clean up da does look like a good place to hang out tho Jonesie.
Mom misses daffodils. Good work helping out with the garden cleanup!
I liked the tour of the "end of winter" garden. We have lots of stuff to do in ours, too.
You're a good tour guide!
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