Hey, I'm still a little annoyed that my sister Cory got appointed Secretary of Socks. Really. There are more pressing issues facing the country, like making sure the worlds cats are supplied with quality cat nip.

That's right, nip. Here in my garden, even though it's winter, the nip still shows signs of life. Once my humans clear the patch of a few weeds, the old stalks and dead leaves, we'll be ready to welcome a new catnip forest in the spring and summer. We still have a few choice leaves to chew on.

Did you know even the dead stalks still smell great?

Even the dead buds are hard to resist. Anyway...I'm hereby staking my claim as Secretary of Nip! Maybe I could share the responsibilities with an Aussie or Kiwi kitty so year round, the world nip supply is safe.
Mom says that she wishes she could grow us catnip outside, but the other woofie who lives here (not our woofie - our room mate's) would dig it up. She is not a very nice woofie to us.
We are glad you have some tho.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Jonesie, you sure are a good gardener for your nip to have lasted through all the snow! We would volunteer to help you protect the nip, but with our mum (aka Blackthumb) around, it could plunge the world into a global nip crisis! Hahaha!
Secretary of 'nip would be a good idea. We need a constant 'nip supply for all kitties!
We think there is a great need for a Secretary of Nip! We sure hope you get the job, Jonesie!
Such an appropriate song :)
We've had our local pet store order us some Natural Balace Duck and Green Peas for Cal. We remember you telling us about it. We hope it works for him, he continues to lose weight. We are doing further testing, just waiting on some results.
Jonesie...we are so jealous that you have nip in your garden already! Our nip is still covered in snow!
(Hey, the Huey Lewis is quite appropriate!)
Good job, Jonesie! I am glad the nip supply is safe.
Wow! You still have some great nip!
MOM did you see this?
Take notes and make sure you put in some catnip plants...
I love the picture of you with your tongue out! It made my mom laugh out loud!!
This is a critical post, we HAVE to have one!
We think you are on to something. Who IS guarding our nip supply? You're a smart kitty Jonesie!
Secretary of Nip! Hee! Hee! I see rehab in your future!
We'd vote for you every time. Nip is 'portant!
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