Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Inaugural Ball!

The big day is here. I am being sworn in as Secretary of Socks. My Grete dog is fully prepared to escort me to the Inaugural Ball and make sure I'm protected. Cosmo, if you are thinking of starting any "Chief Whip" action with me...don't do it around Grete!I had such a hard time trying to figure out what to wear. My wardrobe and image consultant was none other than Maggy, our Minister of Arts. I was looking to her to help me define the image of a serious cabinet member, but being a girl kitty, I don't want to be so serious that I lose my femininity. Maggy, I think you did a fabulous job. Since Maggy came up with a couple of looks for me, I decided that it would work best to do my entrance and partake of the initial festivities in my top hat and bow tie. When the music starts and the niptinis start to flow, I'll change.

Maggy has been so busy behind the scenes that Zoey is attending the ball in her absence. Zoey looks stunning in her pearls and up-do! We toasted the evening with a champagne cocktail, a splash of tuna juice to make it taste just right.

Rocky, our Chief of Staff is such a handsome mancat! I took advantage of our conversation over the cheese platter to speak with him about putting in a good word for my sister Jonesie to be Secretary of Nip. This party alone should point out the need to keep the world nip supply safe, given the gallons of niptinis we are pounding down here!

Sweet Praline is looking lovely...the evil Kirby monster didn't steal too much of her floof. I spent some time with her learning about the best way to keep my floof looking lovely, although I don't have nearly as much as she does.

Kiddo! I was so glad to see him. Since he's the Minister of Housing I was hoping to get his ideas on what we can do with our elusive Mr. Bojangles and see if he can help us convince him that he needs to move in with us. Plus I just love to be near him ::blush::

Hansel, our Minister of Youth Affairs was in rare form. I saw him trying to get in the Niptinis...I don't think he's old enough to do that, so Grete dog had to police him...she got a swat on the nose for that!
Fin, my good friend was looking so cute. I tried to get her to tell me how she got the bows on her ears, but she just said "get them off of me"...let's dance, ok? I did get to spend some time talking with her since she is the Secretary of the Interior and I never get to go outside...so I could use her advice. We sat at the same table and got to share some roasted chicken, one of my favorites!
Cosmo, our Chief Whip was looking regal...and I think she said something about keeping Misha in line, but I wasn't sure since the music was so loud.

Then, the moment arrived...Coco and Misha took center stage and all eyes were on them, our President and Vice President of the cats of the world. How very exciting! Uh oh, here comes Kathy Griffin to interview me...I better duck out. I'll take the opportunity to slip out for my costume change!

Off with the top hat and bow tie...this girlie girl is ready to PARTY! Bring on the niptinis and the dance music. Where is Billy Sweet Feets when I need him?? I know I have a big job to do, but that will have to wait for now.
Hopefully you noticed my new header photo. Maggy and Zoey and their amazing human Ann did more than dress me up for the party, they helped me dress up my blog.
****NEWS FLASH****
I was just paged while at the party. My mom and dad just completed the rescue mission of Mr. B. It was snowing so they got a trap...and just now he went in for his breakfast of Fancy Feast and wham! The door closed. He is now safe locked in a bedroom so he can settle down. He was freaked out, but they are hoping that by the end of the day he's feeling better. He had been living in our dog house since Sunday when he returned from his mystery tour.


ZOOLATRY said...

Will Grete fill in Zoey's dance card please...

Wonderful presentation.

Forever Foster said...

All you kitties looked wonderful at the Ball! And Grete, you stunning woofie:) Cory, your two outfits were inspired choices. Oh the glamour!:)
We did notice your new header. The Zoolatry ladies have done a wondeful job. It looks fantastic.

The Island Cats said...

Oh everbuddy looks great! We're headed over to the ball now!

And your new header is pawsome!

Sweet Purrfections said...

You look great in both of your costumes, very regal and official, and very beautiful! Looking forward to working with you.

The Creek Cats said...

We are getting ready to head over to the ball! Sounds like such a fun affair, can't wait to party down!

We love the new header!!!

Any luck catching Mr.B??? Sounds like a homeless kitty to us too, hopefully the trapping will be successful!

Barb said...

May we have a dance, Cory? You look absolutely stunning!

-Gandalf and Grayson

Anonymous said...

You look so beautiful, Cory! Would you like to dance?


Forever Foster said...

We forgot to say before, we have an award for you on our blog:)

The Creek Cats said...

Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow!!!! Great job Mom!!! This reminds our mom of when we caught Rambler. Can't wait to hear all about it! We are over hear celebrating for you guys! Yippee!

The Island Cats said...

Hey, we just read your comment over at the Creek Cats that your mom caught Mr. Bojangles! That's great news! We can't wait to hear the details!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think you all look quite fine!

Daisy said...

What a fabulous event! Cory, you are looking very beautiful.

I am so glad that Mr. Bojangles has been captured at last. That's great news.

The Crew said...

You look lovely Cory dear and congrats on your new cabinet position. We know you'll do a fine job.

Quill and Greyson said...

That was great fun or was that Grete fun? You look great any way you're dressed... and thanks for helping with the bows.

PDX pride said...

Wow! Beautiful outfits! That's so wonderpurr that Mr. B. went into the trap. He'll calm down; just give him time. It's just traumatic to hear the "snap" and realize you're actually trapped. Dot did the same thing when we trapped him, but he calmed down after he realized he couldn't get out.