The snow started falling early Saturday morning and has not stopped.
Jonesie likes sitting outside and watching the snow fall as long as it's not falling on her head.

My momma Ellie likes checking it out, because she is adventurous. I'm not so sure yet.

See my
momma's tail all
floofed out in the cold as she takes in the snowy yard from our deck?

I prefer to look at the snow from the warm inside of the house.

I'm going to hang out by the fireplace and sleep now.
Oh Ellie! Your tail is magnificent! The floofiest floof we've ever seen:)
I think we would be like you, Cory, and watch from the warmth of inside.
Miss Cory I thinks you knowz best!! Although.. it does look like lots of fun to play in, but I am sure my little paws would freeze very quick.. hehe I even kick my feet as I walk on a wet floor.. I does not like the wet :)
And Mommas mouth just opened and =stayed there from your Momma Ellie's tail.. woah!!! What a woman!!! HOO YAH! :)
Cory, I think you are very smart for staying inside! Brrrrr!
We aren't brave enough to go out in the snow...Cory, we'll join you next to that fire!
Miss Ellie! That is one floofy tail!
Cory, I don't blame you for wanting to stay in front of the fireplace to stay warm from all of this white stuff.
Adorable photos! We love Ellie's floofy tail!!! And Jonesie's grayness against the white stuff. And your curled up cuteness in front of the fireplace! We wish you a most Merry Christmas!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
I would be too scairt to let my feets touch anything that cold!
Ah, curled up in front of a cracklin' fire in the fireplace sounds best to us!
Oh, the snow is beautiful! We sure wish we could lie in front of the fire and watch the snow with you! *purrs*
Cory, we don't blame you for sticking near the fireplace today!! We'd do the same. We do think it is furry cool that the other kitties are out enjoying the snow.
Ellie's tail is fabulous! So much floof!
I do not like to go out in the snow at all. And neither does Gemini
Jonesie and Ellie, would you mind if I joined you and shared your beautiful snow? How floofy you both are! How snow deprived I am
Whicky Wuudler
(who is the only cat in the world with no snow)
WOW!! Your Mom's tail is huge!!!!!!!!!! I think indoors is best because it is cold outside!! It started snowing this evening(a little while ago) and the wind is very high!!! :o I am happy to be cozy warm too :)
What is it with all of the snow in the west? Be warm and safe.
love that floofy tail
How gorgeous - keep warm though!
Hanging out by da fireplace is a very sensible place to be! Enjoy!
We're reading this as part of your first blogging anniversary celebrations ~ and we noticed that we had commented on this post at the time so we were already friends!
Milo and Alfie xx
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