Ms. Diamond has given me this really special award. Here it is and below is a description of what it means.

"This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."
We really appreciate it because I began writing about my family as a way of sharing the special friendships we have. It's also a way to memorialize those who have come before. In the process we have been lucky enough to meet many new and fine friends along the way. It's been very special.
In addition we want to acknowledge the other awards that have been kindly given to us in the past week. We are a bit overwhelmed getting 4 different awards almost at once. Here they are:
Samantha and Mr. Tigger gave us the Butterfly award.
Tristan Tabby Cat Longtail gave us the I Love Your Blog award.
Diamond Emerald Eyes is right, we do it for the love of our family and our friends. We are honored to have met so many wonderful cats and their humans along the way. We will focus now on passing along the Proximity award.
As I look out the window and think on this snowy day, I'd like to pass along the Proximity award to those kitty bloggers that we think are exceedingly charming.

I'm passing this along to:
Whimpurrs Whim (Redfurd and Prince charm the socks off of us!)
Congratulations on all your awards, Cory! We are very glad we found you and can read about you and your family!
Congratulations on your Award!
It is a wonderful thing to be able to share our lives with and get to know so many kind cats and beans from around the world.
...and thank you for passing it on to us!
Stay Cosy!
Whicky Wuudler
Congrats on your awardies Guyz!!
I must admit, we never really read what that award was until your post :)
And it really is very lovely.
We started writing more fun fun, to share the love around, Momma knew when she was not allowed kittehs she would love to read and look at anything she could about them.But now she says thatit is hard to find the time etc as most parents are.. but it is these wonderful special friendships and people we have met that keep us going, even one smile.. (or a heart flutter, hey I am a love cat!) .. blah sorry I go on sometimes! hehe
Thankyou so much for thinking of mez :)
PES: I think the stud muffin might stick.. or do you think it will scare the ladies? hrrrm :p hehe
Congrats on all your awards Cory!! You and your family are very deserving!!
We are so happy we have met you and enjoy reading about you all!
Thank you so much for passing this award on to us, it is very beautiful and thoughtful.
Purrs, Goldie, Shade and Banshee
Concatulations Cory!
Wow! You got lots of great awards there, Cory! They are very well deserved too!
Thanks for passing the Proximity award on to us!! We have never received this award before....Thanks!!!
~The Creek Cats~
We started our blog to keep a record of some of our fosters. It has turned out so much more fun than we thought it would be :)
Thankyou for passing such a sweet award on to us!:)
Concats on all of your award! Those were some really good ones too. We is so happy that we found you and we love love love that picture of you in the title bar.
Congratulations on all your awards! They are well deserved!!
pee ess. that's a lot of snow, there!
Congratulations on your awards.
Nice awards, Cory.. Congratulations!
Try to stay warm. That is a cold looking picture of you in the window!
~ The Bunch
Congratulations on all of your awards!
Concatulations on your award!
You have a lot of snow too!
Luf, Us
What a GORGEOUS new header shot! :o)
Us again! Thank you SO MUCH for the neat Proximity award. It might be a little while before we get it posted but we surely will! *purrs*
Wow, concats an all those awards! We loved the snow picture - LOOKING at it isn't that bad, is it?!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
I'm happy you are in the Christmas spirit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats on those fine awards too :) WooHoo!!
Purrs Mickey
Congratulations on your awards! You look so adorable in your blog header picture.
congratulations on your award! it is so special that we can all share our stories like this.
we are very glad you started bloging so we could become friends.
Oh Cory what a nice kitty you are to have so many cool awardies! Well deserved I might add too!
Snowing in Portland? We have snow here in the Columbia Basin area too and it is bitter cold!! Not like summer when it was 110 degrees!
Stay warm and know that you are loved by many here!
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