Sunday, December 7, 2008

Easy Like Sunday Morning

We have been very lucky to have had a weekend of sunshine in December. The garden is a bit of a mess, but I get to enjoy looking at it, and everyone else is enjoying spending time in it. My momma Ellie gets to go on supervised outings. I still have no interest...the window is just fine for me.

Momma sniffed noses with Bennette. Cecilia was hanging out, but she isn't a fan of getting her picture taken. She's kind of like Grete that way. She sees the camera and she runs!

Our Grete dog is doing really well recovering from her elbow surgery. As my mom and dad said, she likes to "play through the pain". She no longer feels the awful pain of her elbow dysplasia, so she thinks she's just fine and wants to bounce around. Here we go again...weeks of making sure she stays quiet enough to heal. She's whining again...uh oh. My mom and dad got some sedatives from the kind doctor to make sure she stays still enough to heal. We are looking forward to a complete recovery and her return to the dog park and her boyfriends Trek and Calvin.


Everycat said...

A winter garden is good to explore, lots of extra smells! I'm very happy to read that Grete is doing so well, she must feel like a new dog without the dysplasia pain. Best of luck keeping her quiet. Have a lovely Sunday!

Whicky Wuudler

Anonymous said...

Well your garden certainly is "au natural" hehehe anwyays mulch is good :P :)
IT is extra great though how you had a few days of sunshine where everyboddie could enjoy it a little more before the big cold :)

WE are so happy that it all went so well for Grete, hehe we thinks you iz going to have a fun time keeping her quite even with the sedatives ;)


Forever Foster said...

Grete has two boyfriends!? Good golly, miss! MOL:) We are very happy to hear she is recovering well, and hope it continues.
It is nice to see you mum and Benette making friends:)

Anonymous said...

It does not surprise us that Grete has several boyfriends. She is furry good looking. We are very happy to hear how well she is feeling so soon after her surgery!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Your garden looks like ours but ours is now under some snow so it is hidden from the PM's view!

Glad Grete is doing well. Two boyfriends? Wow! Impressive!!

We are doing Banshee's "looking for Cory" post tomorrow. I am allowing her to post it on my Mancat Monday slot. She owes me one!

Purrs Goldie

The Island Cats said...

Oh it must be nice to still be able to get outdoors...we got some white stuff on the ground and it is furry cold! So we stay inside...

We're happy Grete is doing well after her surgery!

The Whiskers and Purrs Gang said...

We never git to go outside...but that's okay. We really don't want to...we are happy bein' snuggled up together inside!

We are glad that Grete's doin' okay.

Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang

Whimpurr said...

What a nice day to go outside! What lucky kitties you are!

We are so happy to hear that Grete is doing so well! :o)

Kimo and Sabi said...

Cory (and fambly) - you are a winner of da DEWEY book! Email us wif yer snail mail address asap!

Forty Paws said...

Poor Grete having to endure weeks of NO PLAY! Poor thing! You take good care of her, ok?

Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

We are all very happy to read that Grete is doing so well. We wouldn't want her to be poorly at Christmas wiv presents to open and stuff.

Enjoy your Sunday in the garden.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We are glad Grete is doing well. It is hard to keep a good dog down!
~ Anna Sue

Gemini and Ichiro said...

That is good news about Grete. You are also quite lucky to go and explore your garden

Parker said...

How wonderful that Grete is recovering nicely.
Enjoy that garden for me, OK?

Kat Mortensen said...

Hey, you've got a full house, huh? We like your blog a whole lot and we'll be coming back again fur sure!

Thanks for visiting us at 4 Cats Ruffin It! We love meeting new friends and we want to put you on our "cool cats" list. Okay?

See you again, really soon.

GBDR (The Hyggecats)

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Cory, we are glad it is nice enough for Ellie, Bennette and Cecilia to go outside, but we are with you, we prefer the inside. We only go outside to go to the vet, and then of course that is in our crates. We also very happy to here that Grete is doing so well after her surgery, and we hope she can keep still enough to recover quickly. We hope the rest of your Sunday is wonderful!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

Quill and Greyson said...

Thanks for dropping by my 100th post. It was great to have you there.

Glad Grete is doing well. I think I will add myself to yout follow list so I can visit again. Purrs to all of you!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful garden! Please give Grete my get well soon wishes!
