::rolls eyes::
As if you would be fooled into thinking that this photo was taken in November. Clearly you can tell my mom is trying to pass off a summer photo as something current.
Never fear, I look as handsome as ever. It's just that the weather outside has been a bit chilly and I'm staying indoors with my pals.
But furriends...you wouldn't believe the horror of my day. Mom was fussing over Madison. He's old and can't quite groom himself the way he used to. But that means mom is fussing over him. Brushing him. Furminating him.
What about ME??
I love to be brushed, I love to be Furminated. Yeah I admit throwing a few punches at Madison when he's getting attention...but I didn't deserve what happened to me.
Mom stepped on me! You heard me right. She stepped on me!
Now mom will say it's because I was underfoot and trying to steal Madison's time...but
I can assure you that being prone to drama worked in my favor. Mom swooped me up...cooed and told me that she would never ever do anything like that on purpose. She carried me around and kissed me until I purred. All my paws were tested to make sure they still worked.
Oh it was awesome.