Thursday, February 7, 2013

Society of Feline Gardeners- Thursday in the Garden with Jonesie

Welcome back to my garden!  MY GARDEN!  Yes, I know it was fun visiting gardens from far away places like Melbourne...but there is nothing like spreading your claws and paws in your very own grass and dirt.
We had a great weekend and we got a bit of sunshine.  Do you know how wonderful winter sunbeams feel on your furs?
But of course, it's time to get back to least as far as I'm concerned. My garden has been neglected.  It misses me.  I could use some help and support from my brother and pest apprentice Figaro, but he had other ideas.

When he saw that pretty Miss Cecilia was out and about...without her boyfriend Madison, Figgy made quick work of getting over to her and giving her a little kiss.
Madison didn't go out.  Madison will only have very limited and totally snoopervised outdoor visits in the future because he is mostly deaf.   For some reason he still hears the dinner plates but that's about it. 

Since I was getting no help, I headed over to the herb garden to check it out.  As you can see, the herbs are all deaded and dried up...but I know better.  This is just last years growth.  As soon as daddy cuts it all back, new green and super yummy stuff will be growing soon.  Even the dried bits smell good. 

I'm gonna head off to the tall grasses for a snack.
I can hardly wait until spring!


Raymond and Busby said...

Yay Sping will be here soon! Good to see you Jonesie and family!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh I can smell the faint smells of spring in the air. I hope they don't get bombarded with snow now that I'm liking it!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

You have such a great garden! Ours is all asleep

Summer at said...

I'm not doing a garden post this week, but just wait 'til you see my catnip patch, Jonesie - it looks almost as sorry as your herbs!

Barb said...

This spring I am going to plant patio container boxes of fresh herbs. The kind that hang on the banisters. Fresh parsley, chives, rosemary.... mmmm...

The Island Cats said...

We love seeing some green in the middle of February!!

Marilia said...

Beautiful garden!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We can hardly wait until Spring too!

That Figgy....such a player!

Have your Mom give Madison some scritches for our Meowm. She adores him.

Just Ducky said...

It is snowing today, we can't wait for spring to get here.

Cherry City Kitties said...

Jonsie, we so miss our garden... we can't quite find it because there's just too much white!
Harry, Dexter and Tipp

Fenris and Family said...

So glad you got to get out in your garden ours is all soggy. We have been getting to much rain.

Saku said...

Mom says she is very jealous of you 'cuz spring won't reach here for another 3 months. We hopes we get some warmer weather 'fore that so we can go out in the sunny room.

Don't work too hard, MOL

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

GLOGIRLY said...

We're excited for spring too!!!
We don't have a beautiful garden like you....but at least spring means no sub-zero snow weather!
: )

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Awesome! Your herb pots look like mine. My herbs are still in use ~ but I'm going to plant new fresh ones for Spring.

Love Alfie xxxxx

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...
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Jacqueline said...

Great job patroling your garden, beautiful Jonesie...Cute photo of Figaro and Cecilia!...Happy weekend, sweeties...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

meowmeowmans said...

It's a full on blizzard here today, Jonesie. We're with you ... we can hardly wait for spring! :)