Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thursday In The Garden With Jonesie

Meow!  My lettuce greens are starting to do something.  I think there might be enough to eat!

I thought today I'd multitask.  Here, I'm pointing out where there is a weed my dad needs to pull.  At the same time, I'm doing an imitation of a very good friend of mine.  Anyone want to guess who it is?

I've been reflecting a lot this past week.  Mom rescued my garden friend "Frankie".  He's been hanging out for awhile.  I actually stood by and watched as mom trapped him.  I saw the whole thing!  I was proud of my mom for taking care of him.  I cared about him but I couldn't get him to the v-e-t myself.  A cat can't do it all.
I was thinking about how I came to the garden, much like Frankie and and probably Nigel and Ginger and Bennette and Cecilia and....sigh.  We live near an apartment complex.  The back corner of our yard borders on the complex.  I'll let you in on a little known secret.  There is a well worn path from the corner of the yard, right into my garden.  You can see the path that many a cat has taken...sometimes just for a day of fun and nip, but for others, the path to getting help when they need it most.  Just like me.

I'm thankful for all that I have and I'm thankful that Frankie is doing fine and will have a new forever home in his future.
Please leave a link!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

How did MoMO get there?

PeeEssWoo: Hi Grete! Any peas in those plants?

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Those are great things to be thankful for! I think Frankie is a cutie--it is good that the Woman does not live in Vancouver any longer... she might have volunteered to adopt him!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Your mom is such a kind-hearted lady. We hope Frankie will get a loving forever home too.

Like you I am thankful for my home. Certainly no fun being a street kitty.

There is nothing in my garden that is vaguely edible.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Aww Jonesie, it's good to take time to stop and smell the lettuce.

Quill and Greyson said...

Were you imitating me?

Your family is the very best Jonesie!

Love Meow said...

aww your mom is such a lovely person for taking care of Frankie.

You are so sweet. Those are wonderful things to be thankful for. We love you, Jonesie! xoxo

Karen Jo said...

Your lettuce is doing great. Your pose reminds me of Rocky the Gutter Cat. I am glad that your kind Mom rescued Frankie. I hope that he finds his forever home soon.

Jacqueline said...

Those pictures are great; of course, you're a natural in the garden, Jonesie!!...And we love the belly shot=Mom wants to rub those gorgeous fluffy furs!!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Jonesie, not only are yoo the best gardening cat in the werld, yoo are also kind hearted (and my hero). Frankie knew wot he was doing when he let his paws lead him down the primrose path to your garden. Efurrybuddy in our howse wishes him a wonderful forever home.

AM xx

Forever Foster said...

You must have been studying Finny very closely!:)

It is wonderful what your family does for kitties. In our experience, it is very special people indeed who help adult kitties.

Anonymous said...

You certainly have some yummy looking lettuces there! And you're so lucky to have a wonderful, caring family.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

I wish every kitty in need had a path that led to such a wonderful place. Your mom and dad are wonderful for helping so many kitties. We hope Frankie gets a great forever home.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

What a beautiful post, Jonesie. It makes us all warm and fuzzy to think of that path to safety, caring and snuggles. We hope that all homeless kitties will one day come across such a path.

The Creek Cats said...

You have so much for to be thankful for! You have great humans who take care of the homeless kitties! That's just wonderful!

Cat with a Garden said...

Jonesie, that's a classic Fin pose combined with Momo as she loves to lounge on the lawn. That path is very visible! You found such sweet words today.

Kea said...

Jonesie, please tell your mom how fantastic she is for having trapped Frankie and taken him off to the vet, presumably for shots and some snipping. We hope he finds a wonderful forever home!

BTW, your lettuce is amazing! We think it'll be July before we get lettuce here, unless we get very, very lucky with a super-warm spring.

Enjoy your wonderful garden!

The Island Cats said...

That lettuce looks like it is ready for a nibble or can you resist, Jonesie?? And you do a good impression of Fin!!

It was nice of you to help your mom trap he can have a good home just like you!

SeaThreePeeO said...

We have started doing gardening posts and would love to join your club!

Forty Paws said...

Oh goodness. Now we know why you guys have rescued so many poodins. It's the apartment owners who leave and don't take their cats with them. Well we are so glad that your Mom and Dad have rescued so many of you and continue to do so!

Luf, Us

The Florida Furkids said...

That lettuce looks beautiful.

Your Mom is a good person to help those kitties. We hope Frankie finds a good forever home soon.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Marg said...

Sure glad that Frankie is doing well. It is so great that your Mom takes care of the stray cats and tries to find them homes. And we did see that path that the cats all come down.
That lettuce does look great. Our lettuce is still alive. The assistant didn't get her act together to do a garden post this week. We will get her going next week.

The Monkeys said...

You're doing a great Fin pose, Jonesie!

Cory said...

Fin is right! Jonesie is doing a Fin imitation!

Raymond and Busby said...

Jonesie, we like the way you point out the weeds.

Your Mom is so great for rescuing Frankie (and the rest of you too, of course). We hope Frankie finds a forever home soon.

CCL Wendy said...

Yes, your lettuce is doing just fine from all appearance, Jonesie! And it's so nice of you to let your Dad know where the weeds are.

It's sweet that you wanted to help Frankie, too. It obviously makes you remember when you didn't have a home. Every kitty deserves a loving forever home. And we hope Frankie finds one very soon. In the meantime, he couldn't be in better hands (and paws).

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thinks for the update on Frankie. You are doing a great job with the greens Jonesie. We hasn't got any food planted except for some herbs. We thinks Daddy is going to work on his garden soon. Right now he is stuck working on MIL's lawn mowers. They stink up our garage and make a mess we hope they get taken away again soon. ~AFSS

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Jonesie, we so look forward to Thursdays so we can garden with see, we live in one of those apartments so don't have anywhere to have a garden....sigh.

YAY for your Mom!!!!!!!!!!! We are purring for Frankie. xxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Jonesie, that path looks well-traveled alright! The kitties version of follow the yellow brick road to home, only its the green grass road to a Forever Home!

Anonymous said...

Thanx for the garden walk! To other kittie's coming through that fence into your yard is like heaven!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Your mum is wonderful for looking out for all the abandoned and homeless kitties.
Your lettuce are looking very good. Do you ever have a little nibble just to make sure they are growing well?

Purrfect Haven said...

what would kits do without people like your kind Mom. Darcy and Bing (we admire your lettuce, our allotment has yet to be planted).


That is not just any's the pathway to a new and improved life. We are so glad that so many have come down that path and were greeted by your Mom....


The Whiskeratti said...

Jonesie, that was such a lovely post. We're glad your garden is getting spring fever. And happy that Frankie and all the others have obviously come to the right home.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Your lettuce looks so succulent Jonesie!!

The last photo of you is divine!!

You guys won our giveaway! We sent you an email.

Purrs Shade

Anonymous said...

You're gonna do just find, sweetie! With a face like yours they will be in ♥ with you in no time at all.