"Meow". I like how that rhymes with ciao! Welcome back to the garden. I feel like a leaf gardener.

Good thing I don't have to help pick them up. I so stand by and make sure the work is done. My first job is to make sure the gas powered
mulcher is in proper working order. It makes a whole lot of noise but it turns a pile of leaves into useful mulch. It beats pawing at it for hours on end. A girl's gotta love power tools! Once it turns on, I'm
outta there!

It takes all of this...

And turns it into this...

After the mulching was done...
ok, round one of the mulching...dad drove the trailer to get some plants for the fence line. I had to make sure he got good ones. Someone has to do that.

Sometimes when it all seems like too much I sit in my garden and just look at it. I know when I close my eyes and dream, it will all be
ok. Mom and dad will pull out all the dead stuff, the mulch will go on top of all the beds and we can put the garden to sleep for the winter. It will be a few more weekends of hard work before it's done.

In the meantime, you can count on me to be
snoopervising every paw step of the way.

What's happening in your garden this week? Please leave a link and don't forget to visit all my garden pals.
It is good for them to have tools!
We bet yoo was meowing the Kinks "Autumn Almanac" whilst yoo was dealing wiv the leaves! That's a great mulcher machine you've gotted. We use an old fashioned composter bin.
La la la lah, lah laaaah ... I brush them in my sack ...
Alfie Marshall xx
(Proud Vice President of the Society of Feline Gardeners)
Wish you could snoopervise me, sweetheart. We have black not green thumbs.
I think I need to show my Dad your mulching macine. He could benefit from one of those to speed up the composting of all his leaves.
There's a lot of work for you to snoopervise, Jonesie!
You'll be kept busy snoppervising all that!
You're doing an excellent job snoopervising!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Getting a garden ready for winter is hard work (sigh). We thinks Socks went AWOL so he wouldn't have to help us. ~Scylla & Charybdis
You are the bestest snoopervisor and I hope yur dad appreciates all that you do.. You are looking good today.. Hugs GJ xx
A power tool indeed! Mom says if she had a real garden she would love to have one of those. Leaf mulch is so good for the garden dirt! Jonesie, we think you're a lucky Gardening Cat with humans that try to do their best in the garden. Of course they need your catpertise, but hey, that's what we're there for!
Happy Fall gardening!
Great job, Jonesie! Your garden looks great!
Hi Jonesie,
I think we need one of those mulcher thingees! We've got a compost pile but those leaves would be SO super. You're a wonderful gardener...can't wait to see your garden in the spring!
I forgot the code word. It will be spring soon.
Lots of large-scale supervising this week, Jonesie! W have lots of leaves on the ground too, and #1 needs to move on this!
you're doing a good job !
You are a totally pawsome snoopervisor!!!
Good job snoopervising Jonesie. We can rely on you to make sure the garden is just right. That's a great mulcher. Mum has to make do with a compost heap.
Your garden looks like so much fun......well for cats anyway.
I like being outside but I don't like to work!
Paws 'n Claws,
Jonesie it sounds like you are an amazing snooperviser! And it really sounds like your beans know what they are doing - making mulch and stuff - I had no idea about that!
I can see that you leave no leaf unturned (so to speak), Jonesie! You certainly are well organized and the one to keep things going until they're done.
Good job as always!
Interesting lecture on the mulching of the leaves and getting ready for the winter months ahead. I am with you on the machine noise. Even when I am inside and they are outside making all that racket I run and hide. Don't like it one bit. You are the number one chief snooperviser.
We don't have many leaves here. Lots of pine/spruce/cedar trees. I'd likie a go at that machine though.
The PM and wee ones are always in the city on Thursday so we miss out on posting a garden post. I am going to make her do one before they leave on Wed. next week!
Purrs Goldie
The Big Thing rides around on the big mower choppin up the leafs until they just vanish into the grass. Thats good, cause we dont like walkin on them!
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