Hi everyone! The weather is icky around here. My paws are getting wet and my time in the garden is limited. Can you believe the unfairness of it all? Four short months ago on July 12
th the sun officially rose at 5:33am and it set at 8:59pm. I was basking in the glorious glow of my garden for 15 and a half hours a day! And now?

I have soggy leaves to walk on and the sun stays asleep in bed until 7:05am and goes right back to bed at 4:44pm. That's only allowing for a little less than 10 hours at most...if I get let out at all. The sun is
slackin'. I'm not too pleased. Can I give a
purrfurmance review to the Sun? I did hear he was doing a good job for my Aussie and Kiwi pals...but why can't he do a good job for all of us? We need to form a committee and figure this out. My mom said it's going to get worse before it gets better. Sigh.

I've got to have some fun...so my
furriends, I recommend getting fun in the yard where you can find it. If my paws are going to be muddy and wet, I think it's fun to sit on mom's leg and leave muddy paw prints.

There is still food in the yard. The parsnips and carrots are still in the ground doing fine. I found this one peeking up out of the dirt so I pointed it out to mom to dig it up.

It's my job to inspect anything before it goes in the house or it's eaten outside. There was too much dirt here for me to paw it off, so I suggested to mom that she wash it first. I hope she listened.

Please leave a link if you have a garden post up or are dreaming of gardens today!
Hey there Jonesie,
I've got a few words for Mr. Sun as well. He's great when he actually shows up. But he's always leaving the party way too early. Spoil sport. Daylight savings time my furry b*tt...
(Glogirly's cat)
You might remember my recent letter to Mr Sun. I think your performance review would really set things straight Jonesie!
Sorry no garden post today... Mom said something about busy, yada yada
Hi Jonesie,
I agree! Mr Sun needs to hot up his act, pronto! By tea-time it's dark her in England ~ so if Mom and Dad are out and abowt it's too dark for us to go owt on our leashes when they return. :sigh: And it keeps raining and is cold. :sheesh:
So as Glogirl and Katy said (tee hee): Daylight savings time my furry b*tt...
Alfie Marshall xx
Proud Vice President of the "Society of Feline Gardeners".
The sun was no good to us today, either. We got thunderboomies! I have posted my gardening effort. I hope it doesn't get me kicked out...
Hi Jonesie, we've notice that Mr. Sun is slacking here too...lately he doesn't even want to come out from behind all the clouds!! How's a cat supposed to get any good garden time??
Mr Sun is slacking here in Floria - imagine that!! It's 61 and rainy today. We liked your paw prints on your Mom!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Such a sad state of affairs, Jonesie! It's something we all must accept, though, in the northern hemisphere.
You're such a good garden inspector to pick up on that carrot! What sharp eyes you have!
I love your wet pawprints on mommy's leg, too! She's so lucky to have them.
Well the sun did a lousy job here Monday and Tuesday (Mommy claims it was because of somebody named Ida) but we are happy to report that starting Wed. he got back to work and today is gorgeous. Love your carrots. We will have to make our beans plant some next fall. ~S,S & C
Huh. Well, that Sun - who knows what he's up to?
Yeahs this lacks of the suns is driving me loopys!
Hi Jonesie, Mr. Sun was at our house last weekend but he's gone now....must have rushed over to somebuddy elses house.
It's time to hibernate and the sun is going part-time as it does every year. I wish I could go part-time during the winter.
~Lisa Co9T
Mr. Sun needs to get a pay cut. He really has been falling off on the job, that's for sure. We have had a couple nice days, but Mom says that's all going to change. It's been cold to, so I pretty much been stayin inside. I don't like the cold.
We don't like the sound of "it's going to get worse before it gets better" at all. Sighs from us too. Great muddy paw prints, Jonesie, we love to do them!
Siena & Chilli
Your garden looks lovely even damp.We have gray sky's and rain here.
We understand you missing the sun - we have been lucky the past couple days and it was sunny - not super warm but at least dry. We all hope that it gets better for you out there - at least sun wise(we are sure the temps will be getting bad like we expect here too).
You are such a good snoopervisor.. Your mum must be so glad she has you to help.. HUgs GJ x
Don't know about Mr. Sun slacking, he seems to have gone away somewhere on holiday. Hope he soon comes back.
Here, it's 8am before the sun rises... Difficult time of year for those of us who like the outdoors.
The sun is slacking and the rain may be on the way. But you're a good garden inspector.
Kind of depressing. Think we need a big ecodome or something!
I am jealous that you can go outside!
I won't be able to until we finally get home in mid-January. Meanwhile I'm on the road, living in a little silver box named "Airstream".
Paws 'n Claws,
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