Hey there! Hope you weren't too thrown off by yesterdays BlogBlast for Peace. I felt strongly that I should postpone our garden club meeting until today so we could all participate. I've got lots to tell you about today so I thought I'd start the meeting off with our super secret password. Say it along with me now: "meow"

I'm really excited because it's been a gorgeous fall and we've had tons of sunshine and cool crisp weather. I found raspberries still clinging to the vine!

Dad helped me harvest potatoes and parsnips and the last of the little green peppers that were clinging to life! We won't be seeing any more of the peppers until next year. We picked all the pears off the tree and shared them with friends. It's good to share your harvest with others if you can.

I inspected the peppers to make sure they were ok for taking in the house. You can never be too careful about these things.

I tried to act bored with the raspberries, just because I have to be cool. If you act overly impressed then the humans might get the impression you are easy to please and snoopervision will just get that much harder. Good help is hard to find. The rain is forecast to start up, so my advice is to take in all the fall sunshine you can while it's still around.

What's happening in your garden today? Please leave a link so we can visit!
What a marvelous winter harvest you have! The Woman tried to grow parsnips last year and failed miserably!
I am chillin in my rock garden... not much to harvest.
your pictures made us smile. you look very happy which makes us happy! we love seeing happy cats.
Looks like you have a very successful garden there.
Fabuous harvest ~ and I love the bored expreshun, you've perfected it! Tee hee!
Love Alfie Marshall xx
I think that you had an awesome garden this year!
What a wonderful gardening post!!! Looks like you helped rake in quite a haul!!
You sure had a bountiful of vegetables and fruit this year, Jonesie. Our garden is mostly flowers and they are pretty much gone now...'cept for some mums in pots that the vishus deer are still eating....
Oh, we are very impressed with the potatoes. We wanted to try planting some this year but it rained too much. Mommy said they would have drowned even in the raised beds. We has some pretty flowers now.
You sure had a wonderful garden! We wish we could get Mom to grow something and not kill effurything she plants!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
What wonderful veggies you get from your garden!
Thanks for reminding me about the switch for the meeting today. I learned all kinds of new things by attending today. Looks like things are really winding down because the growing season is over. We don't have a vegie garden at my place. They do have the flowers and plants. I didn't get anything organized to participate in this garden meeting but next week am planning on maybe letting you in on some of the big farmers stuff from around my area. Hope you enjoy the fruits and vegies of all your hard work all summer long. So nice to share with your friends the good eating.
Wow. That was all very informative, Jonesie! Thank you! We don't have a garden but we luff yours.
What a wonderful harvest! You all are very talented what a green paw!
It looks like you have a great garden. And a great green paw! Long before I was born, my Mom and Dad lived in a house that had a sunny property, and they had a great garden. Zucchinis and tomatoes grwing everywhere. Now we have way too much shade to grow anything that remotely needs sun. So it was a trade-off. Luckily we have a nice farm store down the road now.
Wow Jonesie! I didn't think there would be that much stuff left to be harvested! You sure did a wonderful job all season long. Those raspberries look plump and delicious!
Dante has posted about Furtilization today, as you said he could be the Secretary for that!
Hey Jonesie,
You ROCK the garden!
I love your photos... especially the one where you are saying "meow" and the pepper inspection photo. Watch out for the peppers!
Enjoy the bounty!
What a wonderful garden. We really need a garden of our own too!
We like how you garden with attitude!
Here in Minnesota, we've had many heavy frosts already, so there is nothing too alive out there!
You have had a busy time harvesting your crops. We only have leeks left in the garden now. We had so much rain that mum said the veggies were a bit of a disaster. She got mad cuz half the tomatoes rotted, the beans didn't set properly and then the parsnips had club root when she dug them up. She told dad he can grass the lot cuz she's giving up. We don't think she will really though.
Now we are jonesing for some raspberries! Well. Mom is... she loves raspberries!
PS. Hi, Cory! xo
what a pawsome harvest! You are luckies to have so much sunshines =^_^=
Our big news is that we harvested a perfectly ripened Cherokee Purple tomato taday (just ahead of our 1st predicted freeze of the season - usually October 22nd). The Big Thing is letting it warm up til tommorrow.
He picked the last of the Italian flat beans too.
Miss J., we are in AWE of your garden. AMAZING. Our big gardening news is that our pots of cat grass are still dust. MOL!:)
Gee, that was a pawsome harvest Jonsie!!!!
Sunshine is very nice. Friday we had some very wet snow :o
Mom says it will be warmer Sunday :)
Thanks for your report!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
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