Ellie: I know that toy is under the stove, I saw it go under there.
Mom: Ellie, you batted it under there on purpose, I saw you do it. You just like making me get the stick to fish it out for you.

Ellie: Did not! That sneaky toy went under there all on it's own...by accident.
Mom: Hmmmm. You know I can't resist your sweet attempts to fish it out yourself, and exposing your belly...I'm powerless. I must help you.

Ellie: See, everyone is gathering to help me. I'm that good!

Uh oh! Now my human wants to snorgle that cute little kitty belleh!
Ooh, we gotta brag. The Bip Thing made a special stick to got our toys out fon inner the stove, the chairs ans the TV stand!
It is SO COOL to see them come out!
Do you wanna help us fish out our toys from under the credenza at our place?
You're so cute!
Thank you for remembering my birthday =)
Jas & Gi
When our toys hide underneath the stove, Mommy takes the pots & pans drawer out and we get the toys back out ourselves! Every time she opens that drawer (even if it's only to get a cookie sheet), we think we'll get the chance to get our toys back!
hahah Miss Ellie you is so very cheeky!! Everyboddie is wrapped around your little paws... *whisper* please let me knows the sercrets! hehe
Our Dad does the fishing for our toys in our house ~ and we watch him do it. Then afterwards, we shove them under there again! Tee hee!
PS: we had no problems today loading the site but we are still struggling to comment ~ it keeps refusing to recognize us and says we're using illegl characters evn though it's just our blog url. Paws crossed you can read this.
How could anyone resist that floofy loveliness? We would be powerless, too :)
Of course your bean mama couldn't resist helping you. That is what they are there for. Good job training her.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Why do toys do that? Ours run under the sofa all the time too. You sure know how to get the helpers!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Ellie, we gotta try some of your moves when our toys "accidently" go under the china cabinet!
That's the one drawback to none of us being very floofy, we don't get quite the same reaction to exposing our bellies (although The Mommy still loves our bellies). But she mostly just makes us suck it up and deal with the loss if we lose our toys under the stove or refrigerator. *pout*
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
great tactic Ellie!
You know all of the right moves Ellie!
I think it's funny to make my mommy bean get down on the floor and fish things out for me. I do it over and over again and again. mew mew mew.
Great work, Ellie!
We like to do that too cause mom has to get the yard stick out of the closet. When she fishes out our toy, all these other toys and dust bunnies come out to play too!
Those toys are very sneaky, Ellie. There's just no telling where they go to hide!
Our oven steals many, many, many toys, too! It must be a little bit evil.
Yes, Ellie, the best way to get lots of help is by pretending to be helpless! We all know you're a very smart girl.
Wow! We hope you got some yuumy treats for looking so cute while fishing that toy out!
Dat is da way to do it Ellie!! You very smarts and knows how to gets em to do what you wants! MOL hehehe
Our toys gets batted under da stove!
How could anyone resist you???
Oh, Ellie, you have them trained!
You must be good floor hockey players like at our house. Little mice and other toys always go under the goal (stove, couch etc)
Oh, Ellie! We haff da same micies that wike to hide under ouwr stove too! *purrs from Redfurd*
P.S. Whimpurr wants to get your belly so bad! :o)
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