This started out to be a wordless Wednesday but mom just got home from the emergency v-e-t. When mom and dad got home from work, Bennette was throwing up foamy stuff...and she had been sleeping a lot the last couple of days. Mom opened a can of stinky goodness, and Bennette turned her nose up at it, then turned her back on mom. It was too late to go to the regular v-e-t so Bennette was packed up and taken to the emergency place right away.

Bennette was very dehydrated so she is now hooked up to IV fluids. Her x-ray was normal, so now they will take some blood and hopefully our feisty girl will be home with us soon. Send some purrs her way. She has to stay the night but hopefully she can come home first thing in the morning.
Bennette is still on IV fluids and didn't want to eat baby food this morning. Good news is no more vomiting and she spiked a fever over night but it's now back in the normal range. She will be moved from the emergency v-e-t to her regular doctor this morning. Thank you for the purrs.
***Another UPDATE***
Bennette responded to her appetite stimulant this afternoon and she ate some food. She will be able to come home tonight but will have to go back to the v-e-t for a recheck in the morning. Jonesie has agreed to give up her Thursday garden post so we can continue to focus on our Bennette.
We are purring & purraying that Bennette is feeling better soon!
We sure hope Bennette is back home and feeling better soon!
Lots of purrs from Delilah and Samson
Oh noes, Miss Bennette please get better quickly, we will purr very hard for your sweetness to feels better and get rid of your bugs:)))
Sendings Miss Bennette many purrrrrrrrrrrs fur her to feels better soon!
We are purring for Benette to feel better and hope she is home very soon.
Oh Bennette! We are so sorry you are not feeling well. We are sending you the biggest purrs that we can purr, and all the very best good vibes. Feel better very soon!
Love Fui and Suey.
Purring realy loud that you get your sweet girl home soon...
Love GJ xx
We're purring really hard and loud for Bennette!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Bennette! We hope you get to come home feeling much better! How scary - please know you are in our thoughts!
Oh we're so sorry Bennette is not feeling well! We hope she is better soon!! We're purring for her!
Bennette, I am purring my very healing-est, rumbly purrs for you!
Oh Bennette, you poor baby! I hope this is just a passing thing, and that you'll feel better real soon and be back in the heart of your lovefurly furmily.
Poor Bennette...get better soon! I am purring hard for you and hoping that its good news from the V-E-T
We is sendin' many an' many purr-ayers an' the dogs say they is gonna cross their paws, too!
We're praying for Bennette to improve soon!
Jas & Gi
We're purring to help Bennette get better so she can go back home,
Gypsy & Tasha
Oh I hope Miss Bennette gets better and can come home really soon.
Oh noes! So sorry Bennette is sick! We are glad to hear she has stopped vomiting and her temp is back to normal! We are sending her our best purrs, purrayer, hugs and healing vibes!
OH Bennette! We are sorry to hear about this. We will start purring now that you feels all better.
Oh NO! Bennette, please get better quickly. Purrs coming your way!
Milo and Alfie xx
Bennette we will purrrrrr so strong that you feel better quickly!! Cory that is one fabulous photo of you!!!!!!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
Lots of purrs coming to Miss Bennette so that she'll feel all better. Please let us know how she's doing.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Get better quickly Bennette!!!!! Sending you lots of purrs!!
Oh, I hope Bennette will feel all better soon. I am sending my very strongest purrs for her!
Poor little sweetie! Purrs for you and big Mom hugs to your Mom. Come home soon!!!
Cory, we are so sorry we haven't been commenting lately, things are just really crazy in Momma and Daddy's life, they are going to be moving soon. But we did want to stop by and say we are purring and purraying our very hardest for Bennette, we want her to be feeling 100% really soon. We love all of you so much ...
Hugs, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
We all hope you are feeling better soon! We are going to try to post about the Paw it Foward package later tonight.
Oh noes. We hope everything will turn out alright.
Purrs from us!
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