It's true! Toys do grow on trees! What's even better is that it's my most favorite toy, I mean fruit in the whole wide world. Cherries!!!! I only get them for a couple of weeks a year and then when they are gone, I pout. But for those 2 weeks or so in June, I am the happiest kitty around.

PS...we have more fun pictures at Wendy's LOL today. Go visit!
Oh Miss Cory that looks liek SO much fun.. I thinks I will have to try a steal a few like you did next time momma gets em a acuse she eats them up all too quick. YOu is too cute!
WOWZA! Cherries! We nebber have thinked of those. We just put them on our mommaz shoppin' list fur tomorrow! You look yike youz havin' so much fun!
That looks so funny.. I love cherries too, but am not lucky enough to have them on trees, just when mum eats them.. Mum loves them too...
Hugs GJ xx
Yay, edible toys are super good. Unfortunately my SS also loves them and never leaves any for me.
That was fun watching you play with the cherries.
OMC! You looks so cute wif dat cherry Cory! We sents you Plague Ratsies today! I hopes you gets em soon! *nosetaps*
What fabulous fun! Mom loves cherries and Neil Diamond - so she loved visiting your blog today! And we loved your video - we're gonna get Mom to get us some cherries too - but ours will hafta come from a shop!
We enjoyed your LOL pics todat too!
Milo and Alfie xx
Cherries look like a lot of fun! Your video is very cute and funny!
We loved seeing you play with your cherries, Cory! We've never seen a cherry before, but we really would love one of those trees! Mom wants one of those trees too, so she could eat the toys!
How apurropriate for a "fegan" to have a toy that grows on a tree! What a cutie that Cory is with her cherries! Loved the video piece. Gee some of these pictures with the cherries would have made great LOLs, too. Oh well.
Speaking of LOLs, there are a few new ones on the LOLSpot today for you. It's up to you whether you want to advertise again or not. I've put a link on my own website, and it seems to have helped. Have a great day!
Asparagus...and now cherries! What a fun toy! We can see how whappable they are!
Wow! That's a great idea! Hmm...would we like cherries, too? Probably. Carbon thinks most food is toys instead: fishsticks, hotdog pieces, etc.
We had no idea cherries were so much fun. Mom has some in the refrigerator right now. Hmm...how do we open the door?
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
pee ess - Mom liked the music playing in the video.
It's a toy AND a fruit? What fun, Cory! We want a cherry tree!
They dingle, they dangle, they roll...how fun!
Those cherries look absolutely delicious. Does your mom make pies with them? Mmm, cherry pie...yummy!
OMC!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really need a toy tree. Those look like the best things ever to play with!!
A toy tree! Gemini wanted to say that she thought the carpet is clean all day line was wishful thinking... I know the ham word being said frequently is MY dream... sigh.
We would have never thought of playing with cherries like that. meowm says the closest we have to that here is a crabapple tree....and she isn't bringing those inside.......hmmmph.
Loved your video! You're very cute!
Jas & Gi
Now we understand! WOW! Cherries on a tree, we've never seen such a thing! You are so adorable, Miss Cory Cherry Pickin' Kitty! *purrs*
You are so right, toys do grow on trees! I really enjoyed watching you play with the cherry toys. I wonder if cherries are better or if 'sparegus is better?
Wow! Toys do grow on trees! We loved the video! You are so cute!
Not quite the kind of toys we were thinking of! MOL You were rocking once you got one on the floor, Cory!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Cory, that looks like a wonderful toy. It seems like the best kind - rolly and small enough to get some good speed. It's too bad that you don't get to play with them all year long.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Cory that looks very fun!!
Cherries look like fun!!!
Well, you fooled me on that one! Looks like you had a lot of fun with the cherry. Plus, it looks great against your black floof!
Ah, now we get it. Olivia does that too. Steals cherries and play with them.
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