Mom and dad have been leaving the house really early in the morning. Earlier than usual. Now that it's light at 5am, they have been disappearing more than usual. I had to investigate. My quality time is being impacted. I rigged up "Momcam" again and what I found when I down loaded the pictures was shocking.

This time mom wasn't traveling by bike, a car was involved and dad was with her...the same vehicle that takes me to the v-e-t. I knew it couldn't be good.

What? Water?

Why would mom and dad go near so much water?

What the heck are these? Mom never told me about this...

Are these big enough to support mom and dad? What if they fall in? Who will take care of me?

OH...FEVVVVERS! And baby FEVVVVERS! This is very wonderful...but... I can't even show you the next pictures I downloaded...too scary for words. They were surrounded by water on all sides! What were they thinking?
Then I saw the usual boring office pictures....then for some reason she escapes that place she calls "work" and this is what I see...

Some sort of human's called the Rose Festival...

Do they have yummy food here? Mom smelled very interesting when she came home that day...

Whoa, what the heck is this?

More boats, but at least these are big enough to actually carry people.

This looks interesting. Do you think they have fish on board?

Oh no! More water! And that was the end of it...I think she's got some explaining to do. Isn't she supposed to go to the office hunting place directly and them come home directly to me? I love spring and summer but at least in the winter mom and dad stick closer to home...and ME!
Lookz to uz dat youz needz ta sit down an' have a little meowie wif youz momma an' daddy. Put down a firm paw 'bout dat water stuff.
Wow Cory! We're impressed wiv your mom-cam snoopervising! We fink you need to read the riot act though - they shud stay in more and not gallavant. After all wot are beans for - except looking after us kitties?
Milo and Alfie xx
Wow! Such fun things they did without you! Although we would worry about the water, too. Rose Festival is always a blast, isn't it? :) (At least that's what Mommy says)
Wow your beans got up to some pretty fun stuff, allthough I would worry about that water too.
No wonder they were leaving you early to do all that. You are a brilliant snoopervisor, one of the best.
Hugs GJ x
Great investigative work, Cory! Our #1 says that looks like a scull. She used to row in an eight and a four when she was at university, sometime back in the ice age...
That Mom cam really works well! We think all of that water is pretty scary though. The food place might be fun but that round thing is FURRY
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Miss Cory that face you is pulling is just THE sweetest.. it's like " but momma but but" hehe
Your momma and dadda are so athletic! at least it must gives them plenty of energies to play with you when they get home no?
Momma cam is fun :)
We think your mom is doing some pretty interesting stuff, Cory! We think you should keep investigating!
Great investigative work, Cory!! We sure need one of those Mommy cams!
We've never seen any of those small boats before, very interesting! Our mom says the Rose Festival sure looks like fun!
We have the Seafood Festival here in October every year, but our mom and dad never let us go..... but mom, we LOVE seafood!
Cory, that momcam is genuis! Can you come over and help me spy on my mom? I need to know what she was doing all weekend that was more important than helping me blog!!!
Looks like the MomCam is working properly! The water looks very pretty... from a comfortable distance, of course!
What a great MomCam you have! We gots to get one of those for Our Mommy. She has a bad habit of sneaking off to places other than that "work" thing sometimes...
It's nice to meet you pretty kitties and we'll be back to visit again!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Bugsy, Sassy, Callie, Roxy, and Pixie, and Their Mommy
We need a momcam too cuz our Beans keep sneaking off. Those places in the photos look pretty though.
Hmmmm. Furry suspicious. Do you fink your beans are adopting a fish?
That seems illegal...
Hmmm....fascinating! I shall have to look into getting one of those hidden cams! It would be interesting to know what my servants are up to when they leave the house!
This looks very interesting - momcam idea is good, except my SS does nothing as interesting as your mom!
Thanks for coming by to help me celebrate my graduation. That was a good party.
Looks like your mom and dad are having too much fun without you.
What a fun time your mum and dad must have! We can only begin to imagine the sounds and the smells. It looks wonderful:)
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