Sunday, June 21, 2009
Easy Like Sunday Morning
I'm looking forward to a relaxing Sunday. I had an ordeal yesterday. Yes, Saturday sucked. I was thinking life was good because I got my sun room back. Mom and dad finished up sealing all the tile, my perch is back near the window and comfy chairs are all back in place. So there I was enjoying it all when they grabbed me and stuffed me in the cat carrier and hauled me off to the v-e-t.
I was not going quietly. I hollered and yowled the whole way. I hollered in the waiting room. My partner in this trip was Jonesie. Turns out we both needed shots. Cecilia was supposed to go but she could not be captured. I need to take lessons from her. I ended up taking some lessons from Jonesie because she is a pro at going to the v-e-t. They let me watch her first so I could see how it was done. They even called her a "sweetheart". Turns out there was a note in my chart about needing to be "boxed" for any of my exams because I was such a terror when I was first captured. Now that I'm on Prozac and have had a chance to live the good life, I was allowed to be examined with my Daddy holding me. They gave me my shot and I did fine thank you very much. They said I was a good boy. See, I'm not a terror.

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Well I am glad you're back and got time in your very fine sun room!
That didn't sound that bad. And your sun room looks beautiful.
wow your sunroom looks pretty neat! that would be cool a whole room devoten to rays! :)
Vets are yukky places, but they is there to help.. or so the momma says, you knew that I knows a cause you were such a good boy, and now a lucky one to have such a wonderful home :))
Poor Nigel! Your Sun room is fabulous though - a splendid place to enjoy taking it easy on a Sunday! Have a great day.
Milo and Alfie xx
Not oo bad a vet trip.. Enjoy your sun room and sunday... Hugs GJ xx
Vet trips are not nice, but we are glad you were a good boy. Enjoy your Sunday in your sun room.
Oh man! What a sucky Saturday! We hope your Sunday feels much better!:)
You do look very comfortable in your sun room, Nigel. We're sorry you had to go through the vet ordeal but we are told it is actually much better to get those little shots than face the alternative sickies.
Trips to the vet are not fun, but at least you had a good visit and got to go back to you super sunroom!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Just goes to show you that with age...we all mellow out a little bit☺
Hi ya, Nigel...sorry about the v-e-t visit...it's something us indoor cats hafta put up with...glad you managed to chill out and accept it like the real mancat you are! Enjoy your Sunny day!
Nigel, you did so good! Yay!
Mom said if she had a sun room that pretty, she'd almost be willing to go to the Vet, too! :-D
Nigel, your sunroom looks real cool and comfy. I can't wait until they get my sunporch done. This weekend the Guy has been working on the inside of it. He's gotten a lot done, I'm actually a bit impressed.
V-E-T-S are ookie. I don't like going much either, but my Mom pretty much holds me the whole time except when they take me in the back to take my blood (wonder where they take it to?) and clip my claws.
That sun room looks like a great place, we wish we had one! We're sorry to hear about the v-e-t visit, we've all each just had to endure those in the past few weeks too. No fun! And poor Bugsy has more to come, with a surgery scheduled on Tuesday. So you got off easy, look at the bright side! :)
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Nigel, I am glad you learned how to be good by observing Jonesie!
You sun room looks really nice. We're glad your v-e-t visit went well and now you can relax and enjoy that great sun room.
Nigel, our pure black cat Nicky hates car trips and v*t visits too. Must be related somehow!
That's a very nice portrait of you resting in your sun room.
Nigel.we are glad your trip to the Vet went well. We know that it is never any fun!!!!!
Hope you get to have a nice relaxing day today!!!!!
Thank you all for your kind words and purrs for Mickey!
It is so nice to have so much support from our friends :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Nigel, we are glad you are doing so much better at the V-E-T. We are sorry you had to get a shot, but at least it is all over with for a year. Rest and take care of yourself.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Goin ta the V-E-T is allus bad, but we are glad ya are learnin ta handle it now. Its just somethin ya gotta put up with.
Glad you had a good vet visit. The vet had to wrap me in a towel during my last visit in order to steal my bloods! I kept trying to scratch her.
The VET on a Sunday? That's wrong.
Oh Nigel what an ordeal!
We are glad you are back home in your own domain and can relax!
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