After many many attempts to get a recording of Cory singing to her boot socks, we finally succeeded in getting a recording...not of her singing to her boot socks, but to a tomatillo. The boot sock song is a bit more personal and soulful, but this is sweet and spicy so we call it Cory's Tomatillo Salsa Song.
Turn up the sound, she has quite a range. She is now busy posing for her CD case cover.
Cory: pee ess, this song is dedicated to my sister doggie Grete who is going in for surgery on her other elbow this morning. Please send her purrs! I'm wishing her good luck!
Cory! Wowie, you have a beautiful meow. It was lovely to hear you in such full voice. You are much more talkative than us, that's for sure!
We are purring for Grete. We are sure her happy day at the park will have her spirits high, and she will understand what she has to look forward to when this surgery has healed. Her finished elbow must have felt much better.
Oh my Cory! That was very very pretty. Quite the story you were telling! Banshee went crazy looking for you! She'll have to do a post about it next week as the PM got pics.
Beautiful CD cover also!
Purrs Goldie
You are ready for the big time Cory! We love your voice!
All our good thoughts for Grete today!
what a beautiful song!!!!
we is purring for Grete too!!!
Cory, that was fabulous!! You do have great range and control of your instrument! It reminds us of our dear, departed Sylvester. He would sing beautiful songs in the loft every night around 10pm. Brings back the memories listening to you.
Wishing Grete the best of luck with her surgery today, may it go smoothly and her recovery be quick and pain free!
~The Creek Cats~
Cory I think you have Broadway in your future...and we are keepin our purrs on high for Grete.
What a beautiful voice to match your beautiful face!
We are sending our love and prayers for Grete today!
Oh Cory, what a beautiful voice and song you sing. Really. Beautiful. The voices of cats are melodic wonders.
We hope Grete's surgery goes well and she recovers well. Big rumbles on the way..
Whicky et al
Oh, what a beautiful song, Cory! You are going to be a huge hit!
Purring for Grete in her surgery. She will feel so much better after she is all healed up.
Awesome singing, Cory! You should have seen Harley perk up when he heard you.
I am purring for Grete!
You have a fan!!!! Tintin almost went ballistic listening to your wonderful voice! He is still sitting here, staring at the computer in awe!
Grete has her surgery today???
Hey, we really enjoyed your song! You have a such a nice voice, Cory!
We are purraying for Grete....hope the surgery goes well!
We're sending Grete tons of purrs and purrayers for a wonderful surgery on her elbow!
We listened to your song. It is quite nice! Very informative.
Luf, Us
Cory, you have a beautiful singing voice! We enjoyed hearing you sooooo much! We all were in the kitchen just listening and listening!
We are purring and purraying that Grete came through her surgery with flying colors ... please give her a kissy for all of us!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Oh Cory, I think my bro Russell is in love! He pushed the speaker all over the place trying to get you to come out!
Oooooooooooooooooo!!! Cory,I love your voice!!! Mom loved it too!!!!!
Your CD will be pawsome!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
HAHAHH we LOVED your song!! It sounds exactly like my sisfur Mushka when she walks through the house calling out to see where we iz, once Momma says "were in here Mushka" she is quite and comes running into where you are.. it's so cute! :))
I iz a little late and already know Gretes good news, but we will still send some puurs till she heals up all perfect :)
Cory, we love your song. It made us two get up on our feet and dancing. Well, searching that is! ; )
Lovely rolling undertone you got there. Compliments!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
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