Bennette: You don't expect me to share this with you ,do you?
Cory: Oh momma, I can't look! Bennette doesn't look happy and I think her paw is starting to raise!
Bennette: I'm totally immune to your Meezer mesmerizing rules...take that...and give me the nip.
And then they all walked away.....it appears that winter nip is not as strong as summer nip.
Bennette: Please don't tell Santa I did that....
That's a super whapping action shot there! It looks like lovely fresh nip- we have a sneaky suspicion someone will be back for it:)
You header is fantastic!:)
I think that you all shared a lot nicer than we would have!
great whapping pikshur! purrfekt tek-neek!
Hahahaha! Catnip is indeed worth raising the paw for! I prefer the dried-up kind of 'nip.
That was some whap!! Cat nip does that sometimes. We sometimes have to be separated in order to enjoy the nip. Chevelle will his and growl if anyone comes near her nip.
~The Creek Cats~
Sammy Meezer would be proud of your whapping techiques...and we know that you were all alot nicer than we would have been.
Quality whappage there Bennette. What a disappointment about the nip. A whole plant too!
(I should be so lucky)
Whicky Wuudler
Good whaps, good whaps. Fight for your right to caaaaatnip!
Whoa! Settle down you girls!! There is plenty to go around!!!
Oh wowie, that nip looks superduper! And what adorabble pickshrues of you all. Dorydoo loves the whappin! She's whapped me fur nip -- she's the biggest niphead in this house!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Mom got our catnip plant in well before it got cold. The other day she tied up some leaves in strips of cotton and gave it to us!!!We were ALL happy,hahahahahahahaha
Purrs Mickey
You got that paw up purrty fast, Bennette...we like how you protected your nip!
That looks good. We like nip too, but we don't usually get the live stuff. You are lucky.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Hahah all that whappage and for naught?!
IT did make for fun watching though!
haha You guys haves the reaction we always have here with the nip.. Nadda ;)
I fink they was all pretending disinterst so they could sneak back later and hog it all.
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