The theme for today is breakfast. Our Grete dog is the only one who gets an actual breakfast and dinner. Us kitties just graze all the time. But that doesn't mean we let Grete eat her breakfast alone. No way! We all participate. My momma Ellie likes Grete's kibble and
Bennette can't resist sticking her face in the dog food can. I just
snoopervise the whole thing because there is no cheese involved.

Once we give the meal our blessing, Grete can eat in peace. No flash cameras allowed! Grete won't eat if a camera is anywhere near the kitchen.
HeHe, we like to steal our woofies food too. Afterall, she doesn't eat it right away, so it is fair game. Mom doesn't like it when we do that tho because she doesn't like us having too many grains.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Haha, hey you guys! Leave some for Grete!:) Our blurpy friend came over the other day, and ate some of our food. We giggled a bit.
Nom nom nom!! We always help our woofie Dixie with her meals too!
~The Creek Cats~
Breakfast sounds busy at your house! I hope Grete is resting up and feeling better after her operation (maybe whilst she's recouperating, you cats will let her have her breakfast unsupervised?)
Whicky Wuudler
I wish I had a dawg to try that out!!!!
They are good writers as well as kind taste testers
Bennette looks like she's enjoying that Wingaling!
We do that with our food before mom can get it into the dishes...
I used to know a nice kitten who liked to eat dog food. I never had a taste for the stuff, personally! Enjoy your breakfast!
We have never eaten dog food! It must be pretty darn good if Ellie and Bennette like it, but we wish it had some cheese in it for you Cory, so you could sample it too! It is nice that Grete lets her food be tested before she gets it ... hee hee!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
OH guyz... woofie food?!?!? what were you thinking!?!??! But you nkow, I have never tasted it soooo....How is Grete recovering? :)
That's funny, a camera shy kitty. I think our cats are all hams because they love to pose for the camera. Works best if it's a video camera, but they love the attention.
Nice job with the theme.
Oh, Merrick makes delicious Stinky Goodness!
That looks luscious...
Great choise for PhotoHunter. Just adorable Cory & Co. A home is not quite home without a cat...
There is no woofie at my place, otherwise I would do the same!
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