Monday, November 12, 2012


 Wake up Grete! Did you hear the news?   We're taking a Blogcation.   That means we are taking a bit of a break from the blog and we won't see our furriends that much and they won't see us too much either.   Did you know that since we've been blogging we've never taken a blogcation?
 That makes me sad...I mean...I love to see all my kitty and woofie furriends.  I'll miss them. 

 Oh yeah, but when we return we'll be ready to celebrate the howlidays!  I'll be tree hunting and stuff like that!  Party at our place! 
Before we take our break I purrsonally wanted to thank all of you for purring for me and Jonesie.  I am doing MUCH better on antibiotics.  My nice v-e-t says I don't drink enough water.   I told my nice v-e-t that when I was a kitten I loved to nurse...and I nursed on my momma until I was 5 months old.  If I still nursed, I wouldn't have a problem, right?

Don't get any ideas Cory.  I loved nursing you, but now that you are 6 years old, life doesn't work that way.  You have a nice bubbling fountain and lots of water bowls, including Grete's. 
Sigh.  Kids.
I'm going to settle in for a nice bath and a nice nap. 
We will see all of you the week after Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thursday in the House with Jonesie and Cory

No time in the garden this week my furriends.   Both Cory and I have had a rough week.  Both of us went to the v-e-t place.   We have an awesome v-e-t...but I'd rather not see him if you know what I mean.
As some of you know I have a long standing condition known as rodent ulcers.  I sometimes get weird things happening.  I have a lesion on my tongue.  I'm not too freaked out by it since it happened before and it went away.   I had a recheck and the one I currently have is not getting better but it's not getting worse.    I'm so special, my v-e-t will be consulting with a specialist.
That's what they always do for special cats, right?

As for Cory, she's been having pee issues.  The v-e-t stole some of Cory's pee to send off to a lab somewhere.  Really?  A lab?  Like a Labrador Retriever?  What's a dog gonna do with Cory's pee?
Anyway, as you can see from the photos, all we wanted was huggy time with our daddy.  There's nothing like daddy love when you are feeling put upon.
The garden will have to wait.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tuxie Tuesday- Vote!

I interupt a nice cold drink at my beloved fountain for this very important public service announcement for all kitties in the USA.
It is our duty as Feline Americans to make sure our humans get out and vote today.  So paw at them, meow, purr...even hack up a  hairball.  Whatever it takes to get their attention and get them to vote.
Now...back to my fountain...

Monday, November 5, 2012

Miffed Mitten

We were abandoned...again!  Just for 1 night, but still.
I'm traumatized. 
I found out that mom and dad took Grete along on their road trip.   Grete got spoiled and we got a big fat nothing.
But you know the story...the second the door opens and I see mom, I run for a hug.  It's just who I am.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Society of Feline Gardeners- Thursday in the House with Jonesie

You may wonder what I'm doing here...on my cat tree...lounging the afternoon away.  You's been bucketing down rain this week.  I've given mom and dad instructions on raking up soggy leaves...not skilled work at all.  I can trust them to do that while I snooze.
You can see why I don't want my furry white paws out in this mess.
Even though I'm stuck inside, I can still practice garden idle paws here!
What I do to keep myself in tip top garden to find a brown soft blankie.  I make lots of biscuits...this keeps my paws strong.  Having the blanket be the color of dirt simulates my garden.

 It makes me purrr....zzzzzzzzz.