Thursday, May 31, 2012

Society of Feline Gardeners- Thursday in the Garden with Jonesie


I know I look like I'm relaxing in my garden...but don't be fooled.   I'm in an undisclosed location.  Some of you may be aware of a certain "situation" over at my furriend Katie's condo.  A certain mousie met her demise and rumor has it that I might know "something".

This photo was taken last weekend before the crime scene was discovered.

There was an "undisclosed" witness to the events.  Not that I'm admitting anything, but some of my furriends recognized me and the story leaked.  I'm not safe in my own backyard.

Anyway...before this whole mess happened, we had an awesome time in the garden with my dad and mom.  We have a beloved climbing Peace Rose.   We love it because it has a special story.  See, mom and dad rescued it from the garden center.

One day...a long time ago, mom and dad were at the local garden center.  They were in line to pay for their plants when a horrid man came up to the counter loudly complaining about the rose plant he bought from them.  He said the rose "would not bloom".  He was mean and awful to the staff and he slammed the poor rose plant in it's container onto the counter and demanded his money...which of course they gave to him quickly to get him out of there.

Sigh.  So after he left....

Of course mom and dad said...if I were a rose I wouldn't bloom for him either!  And so mom and dad...being the next in line quickly offered to rehome the unloved Peace Rose.  And so they brought it home and quickly planted it.

Wouldn't you know...this misfit Peace Rose is the most prolific bloomer!  Every year it thanks us for giving it a loving home by producing a kazillion gorgeous roses!

Well my furriends, I gotta go...hopefully the mousie mystery over at Katie and Glogirly's bloggie will be resolved soon!


Raymond and Busby said...

We love the Peace rose story!

Keith Andrea said...

.,oh beautiful flowers., I love that rose.,

Dog Fence at Petstreetmall

Summer at said...

I loved the story about the peace rose!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

What a fitting story fur such a pretty rose. Thank you fur sharing with us. xoxo

The Island Cats said...

That rose is gorgeous!!

And Jonesie...we hope you don't hafta go into the witness protection program. Who would take care of the garden??

Mariodacat said...

Even plants want to be treated kindly and with love,

Fuzzy Tales said...

There's a good life lesson in that peace rose story. It's gorgeous. Too bad that man will never know it was his negative energy, not the plant itself.

meowmeowmans said...

It seems all that rose needed was some peace, love and understanding!

Unknown said...

Me knows it was Kozmo!!! Yous is much too sweet to do such a nefarious deed (hee hee).

Terri said...

What a lovely rose! We're glad it is so happy in its new home :)

Don't leave us in suspense, Jonesie!

Katie Isabella said...

I LOVED the story of the rose. I don't think there is anything sweeter than how that rose found his home and bloomed and bloomed for you all.

Cory, you are looking very beautiful and I am on the edge of my crow's nest wondering who dunnit!

Unknown said...

It is a beautiful rose, I don't know how anyone could not want it. Perhaps it wasn't getting enough sun in its previous home.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

If you need a place to hide you are welcome here!

We are so glad that peace rose bush found a good home with you! they are gorgeous roses!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Well, while yer hiding, we'll enjoy the garden!


Your garden is beautiful and we think that there is something appropriate in the peace rose story and you being on the lam.


Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

It is raining here and still no Mouse, we were hoping the rain would encourage her to come home. We miss our Arty Mouse. Love your Peace Rose, it is beautiful.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a nice story about your beautiful Peace rose. We are glad it blooms well for you.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Well if we were a rose, we'd bloom for your family too! It's stunning.

Love Alfie xx

Gigi said...

Darling Jonesie! What kind of CRIME is killing a vicious rodent supposed to be exactly? As if!

We loved your rose story. That bad man shouldn't even HAVE a rose!! Or any other plants neither. So there!

Anonymous said...

That is a nice story about your beautiful Peace rose. We are glad it blooms well for you.

Garden Centre Carr Gate

Karen Jo said...

Your Peace Rose is gorgeous. We have one, too, but it's blooms are a lot more yellow. It's really old and doesn't bloom as much as it used to. I hear that the mousie situation has been resolved, so it's safe for you to go home again.
