Thursday, November 10, 2011

Society of Feline Gardeners-Thursday In The Garden With Jonesie


Well my furriends, here you are expecting big things from me in my garden this week.   It didn't happen.

Turns out my mom and dad left for the weekend and so I ended up in lock down.  In addition, my time in the garden mid-week has been severely cut back due to something about the clocks changing.  It's bad enough that we are confused about our breakfast time...but being so dark outside in the evening means precious little time for me to enjoy my garden.

It's so not fair.

I think I'm going to blow the perpetual raspberry.

That's right. 

With Cory's bladder issues the week was looking pretty bleak, but there was good news in this for us.  More canned food!  The bad news is that mom found out that the Fancy Feast flavor that Cory likes best (I like it too) has higher carbs than the other flavors.  So that means no more for us.  Mom says not to worry that there are lots of other canned foods out there and we can try them all if we long as they are grain free or very low in carbs.

Maybe I should leave my tongue out to taste them all.

Bad news is that Cory is going to have to stop sneaking Grete's canned dog food.  It's true.   Grete lets Cory eat right out of her bowl.

So...I know you wanted to see me in my garden today.  I'll leave you with a photo of me from a couple of weekends ago.  I'm purring that I'll get some outdoor time this coming weekend.  There's still lots of work to do!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Man it's not fair that life keeps getting in the way of gardening.

Summer at said...

I'm sorry you had such a bad gardening week, Jonesie. But at least Cory is better, and you all get to taste test some yummy new food!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Glad to hear Miss Coretta is doing better! That's good enuff fur us! The outdoor pic is icing on the cake! xoxo

Angel Simba said...

Mom doesn't know how it is on Carbs, and it isn't anything special, but we eat Friskies canned food - Audrey gets the Pate style with some water added to it since sh has had some bladder issues in the past. I get the Meaty Bits/Fillets kind mostly, because I don;t care so much for the Pate type. It is moist with gravy which I like and which Mom thinks must be good for getting more water into me.

That is a nice picture of you in the Garden, Jonesie.

Cat Street Boyz said...

Because of Tinker's urinary problems, all of us eat canned Wellness, Turkey & Salmon.....grain free. Mom buys it in the large 12.5 oz size. Petfood Direct sells it or you can order it through some pet food stores.
After our snow storm, Mommies roses are done and her mums so she is going to be decorating a bit early for Christmas.
Take care Cory=^Y^=

Whisppy said...

That's too bad about not getting enough gardening time this week. But we're very happy to say that OUR MOM finally got our garden tidied up and we now have LIVE grass. And it's all because we kept embarrassing her by showing her YOUR beautiful garden.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

If it helps anny, we got de-starched too (well, the corn an wheat starches). We like the Soulistic Chicken, and the Halo Spot's Stew Chicken and Turkeys flavors. We get some Evo Chicken, but we like the Spot's Stew best.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We are so glad all the health issues at your place resolved themselves with a little help.(Benette's paw, and Cory's bladder).

And tasting lots of new food sounds good ~ although it doesn't make up for not having enuff time in the garden. Yoo have my sympathy ~ it was the same for me ~ rain, rain, rain this week.

Love Alfie xx

Teddy Westlife said...

I hope you all get some outside sun time this weekend!

The Island Cats said...

Jonesie, we don't like how early it get dark either!!

Tell your mom to try the Wellness foods...they are grain free and we just LOVE them!!

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

Scylla needs to lose weight so Mommy bought diet food for her. She won't eat it though. Arty & Socks think it is yummy so they eats it.

Sometimes I shares my food with the cats, but sometimes if it is something really good I growls to tell them it is mine. I has to put my paw down or I would starve cause the cats eat like pigs. ~Fenris

Cat with a Garden said...

We're in raspberry mode too over here. Mom literally doesn't let us outside, even the weather was so nice! We purr that all of us will get a good outing these days!

Pip said...

Jonesie we just loves your cute little tongue. We is sorry that Cory is feeling poorly, and especially about your favorite FF.
Love, TK

Ellen Whyte said...

Well that's good news and bad. We're glad Cory's problem is controllable but that food restriction thing just sucks! And less garden time??? Well! We are purring for you all MOL

Anonymous said...

Hey there - we're just catching up on all the noos! We're sorry Scott's been too busy to help us visit!
We hope Cory is getting a bit better!

Purrfect Haven said...

... we love you. Most interested to hear about the canned food issue. Mrs H is gradually introducing us to more wet food to mitigate potential urinary issues (feline friends are suffering with this and maybe too much dry food is to blame?). She is reading about it on blogs and trying to do the best thing. Any advice and experience you can share welcomed. Thanks and Love Helen, Darcy and Helen xxx

meowmeowmans said...

We agree with you Jonesie. That just doesn't sound fair to us, either!

We sure are glad you're getting better. Enjoy all those foodies!

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

Sorry that you didn't have a good gardening week!

Jacqueline said...

Sorry you are not roaming your garden, lovely Jonesie, but we are so glad beautiful Cory is feeling better and you guys are all getting that awesome canned food=YAY!!...Happy weekend, precious friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Cat said...

Jonesie-baby...I sooo hear you. Mom has cut me off of some of my favourite food..says that it isn't good for me. Hey, if I eat it is it good for me! Right? She thinks otherwise. She give us this stuff that is just ok and I don't always want to eat it, but then she won't give us anything else until IT is gone...I call it blackmail and am trying to think of ways to pay her back...I do belt out a pretty manly meow (I AM Siamese don't forget!) which does kinda work...she has been giving us more boiled chicken...WHICH I LOVE!! We haven't had any garden time either...dark and cold. Only good thing about this time of year is that we tend to have more lap time. Woo hoo!! Purrs to the whole family, Lolo, Tiny and demdangdawgs

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Even though your garden time has been cut back, you still grew the cutest raspberry EVER. We hope Cory is feeling better.

Ellen Whyte said...

Cory, how are you? Worried!

Smudge said...

I like your raspberry face!