Monday, January 4, 2010

Monday Memories

Mom and dad went through a bunch of old video tapes and transferred them into the computer.  They said they went back a gazillion 20 years...which is WAY before I was born.  I sat in front of the screen and watched and watched.  I got to see so many cats and a wonderful woofie named Gracie that I've only heard about.   But then...right there in the computer, on the screen was my buddy Michelangelo.  "Mikey" has been gone for over a year now...he ran off to the Bridge, or that's what I was told.  All I know is that I don't get to see him everyday like I used to.  When I saw him I was like..."Hey Mikey!  Whatcha doin' in there"?  "Come on out!".  He ignored me.

I put my paws on the screen to try and get his attention.  I looked behind the monitor to see if he was back there.  Then mom explained that this was just a window to the Bridge.  Mikey couldn't come out.  That made me sad.  But I was happy too because we all got to see him again.  I miss him.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

That was pretty impressive...

Tank woo fur sharing the pawsome moment...

PeeEssWoo: Hi Grete!

Cliff and Olivia said...

That was so sweet and so sad. Thanks for sharing.

Cat Street Boyz said...

Aw, we are sorry you miss Michelangelo.....but, at least you can visit him through the magic glass! Happy New Year Cory & Family, we hope you have a wonderful 2010!!!=^Y^=

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That is one of the most touching videos we have ever seen, Cory. We can see how very much you miss your friend Michelangelo.

Anonymous said...

This video touched our hearts and made us all sad. We just want to smoochie Cory better and tell her we understand. It's so painful losing those yoo love.
If only one could step through the window now and again, and visit; like Alice through the looking glass.

love Milo, Alfie and Mom xxx

Forever Foster said...

Sweet Cory, you made us tear up. We are sorry that you miss your buddy. We are sure that Mikey is very pleased with the sweet ladycat you have grown into.

Everycat said...

A window to The Bridge....

That is such a beautiful way of thinking about it. Our window is full of Angel, with our Mum printing pictures of her to hang up. Memories like this are so precious, Michelangelo looks like he's having a wild time at The Bridge, I hope he and Angel have some fun together there.

Thank you for sharing your window with us

Whicky Wuudler

Parker said...

Oh Cory, you broke my heart! A window to the Bridge is a good way to visit our OWCB.
I just wanna' give you a hug!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Wonderful memories can make your whiskers grin up from the inside sometimes.

The Creek Cats said...

*tears* Sending your lots of hugs Cory.

Cat with a Garden said...

Oh Cory! Tha window to the bridge is a strange thing. It's beautiful but hurts at the same time. Michelangelo was beautiful!
Happy New Year to all of you.

The Island Cats said...

Oh Cory! We're sorry you couldn't get Mikey to come out of the computer...but now you can see him again and again...we like that thought about being a window to the bridge....

The Monkeys said...

It's so cool to be able to have a window to the Bridge! Michelangelo was a sweetie.

Angel Simba said...

Oh, Cory, that is so sweet that you recognized Mikey on the screen. Purrs and hugs to you all.

Cat with a Garden said...

Hi again! We are sorry to hear your household is battleing the sniffles too. When Chilli got them this Spring mom got Engystol for her (vet recomendation, it's a pill for humans). It didn't help for Chilli that time but for me who had started sneezing too. Mom gave it to us five times a day. We think it is only available in Germany. Let us know if you're interested in it, we get you a new container of it. Our vet even recommends to give a small dosis every year for a month to boost the immune system.
Purrs, Siena

Cat with a Garden said...

P.S: Mom looked up what's in the remedy and it's only one plant! The botanical name is Vincetoxicum hirundinaria.

Anonymous said...

We ♥ old movies, our momma yikes da black and white ones - like us dat are tuxies but not really cats. We are so furry sorry dat da movies makes you sads a little but be furry happy dat you has the movies so you can remember and see and love all over again.

SeaThreePeeO said...

That was so sweet, yet so sad also. It made mummy very tearyfied

The Whiskeratti said...

Oh, Cory. You look so sad in that first pic. We understand how much you miss him, but he's very happy at the Bridge and some day you will see him again. ::nosetaps::

Mr. Hendrix said...

aw, that is so sweet. Mommy loves watching videos and seeing pictures of those who went before. it makes her happy and sad all at the same tome.

mommy wishes she could reach thru the computer and give you big hugs and chin scritches.

Happy New Year!

Raymond and Busby said...

Aw Cory. You really miss Mikey. We're glad you got to see him and we know he watches over you everyday. xoxo

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We think that if we had movies of Georgia we would be just a little bit sad to see them too--but happy to remember our times with her. I think that is a good thing to remember the good times you had.

Daisy said...

I'm sorry you could not get to Mikey through the computer monitor. But at least you have a little window to the Bridge!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Mamabug has wet cheeks and says "bless your darling heart, Cory." Some memories can be so sad. xxxxxxxxx

One Cats Nip said...

Oh Cory, that was so sweet. But at least you know Mikey is doing real well at the bridge!

Meadow said...

Awww least you got to see mikey!

Anonymous said...

Awww... that is so sweet, Cory. Mom says she can never have too many photos of those who came before, so she takes lots and lots of photos.


Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh Cory, it is too bad Mikey is at the bridge and can't come to see you. It made us a bit sad to see how excited it made you to see him, because we knew you wished he was with you there. But he is always with you in spirit, even if not really physically there.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Cory we can see how much you miss Mikey. It made us sad to see you trying to reach him. He will be waiting for you for when it is your time to go to the Bridge. Be happy knowing that he is happy and watching over you.

Sweet Purrfections said...

That was very sweet. Thanks for sharing.

Quill and Greyson said...

Oh Cory, a window to the bridge is awesome! I'm sure he is watching over you.

CCL Wendy said...

Yes, Cory -- that's a hard lesson to learn. You see him right there in front of your eyes and you can't really understand that he's gone. But certainly not forgotten. Like Gracie, Michelangelo will always be remembered. Pictures and videos certainly help.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Oh Cory...we watched this last night. We know you miss Mikey tons. You will see him again one day.