My mom does not like appearing on my blog. She feels it belongs to me and my other fur siblings. She thinks she should be like the humans in the Peanuts comic strip. Always out of sight and when you hear them it's just "waaa waaaa waaaa". She is not afraid to admit she likes hiding behind me.

Lori here...
1. I like riding bikes. I have 5 of them and I ride them all. Looking back, it appears my love of bikes goes way back. One was not enough even when I was a kid. I rode my bike everywhere until I was 15 or 16, then I pretty much stopped until a few years ago when I started riding again. I just completed my first century ride which was REALLY hard. I also row, and rowed competitively as a masters (meaning old) for many years. I have been taking a break from competing but will probably get back to it one of these days. I have my own single rowing shell which I adore.
4. I love coffee. Black. Strong.
5. I am a morning person and love waking up before first light and watching the sun come up.
6. I can't eat gluten. I discovered this 8 years ago and I feel 1000% better. This is ok with me because my favorite food groups (cheese, steak, wine, chocolate and coffee) are still ok for me to eat.
6. I can't eat gluten. I discovered this 8 years ago and I feel 1000% better. This is ok with me because my favorite food groups (cheese, steak, wine, chocolate and coffee) are still ok for me to eat.
7. I work as a training manager. I enjoy my work, but I work to live not the other way around.
Ok, enough about me. Let's get back to the cats!
Cory and I can't keep track of who has been tagged and who has not, but this is so much fun that we want all cat and dog bloggers who read this to join in and play!

My human feels the same way. Personally I'd rather my human didn't show up on my blog. She's not nearly as lovely as I am.
Unfortunately that shirt did not have a credit card.
These are very very lovely~!
It's nice to get to know you. My Mom is shy too.
Hahaha! We love the first photo! At first, we thought your mum had a mask on, then thought 'Wait a minute! That's Cory!!!'. The picture of your mum and the little kitten is very sweet.
The photos are lovely, and the answers interesting. Mom said she agrees hiding behind cats is much nicer ~ she prefers to do that too.
Milo and Alfie xx
It's so much fun learning about the Moms. We're going to make our Mom do this meme! Thanks for sharing - WOW 5 bikes!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkid
We all think that your Mom rocks! And my Mom agrees - she likes to be like the adults in the Peanuts gang too!
Hi Cory's mom! It's nice to learn more about you! Our mom is like yours...and sez the blog is for our pictures and stuff...not hers! Heehee! Our mom sez she likes the same food groups as you too!
So great to learn more about you, Lori! Mom says she misses the bikes with the banana seats and she also works to live!
Thanks for letting your Mom post, Cory! We love the picture of her hiding behind cute.
P.S. My Mom says that your Mom's favorite foods are exactly like hers!
You sound like a good mom -- who is more interested in her babies than in herself! It's nice to be all about ourselves once in a while, though. Nice to know you a little better!
Great post! It's always fun to find about moms...
Mom iz not athletic at all, but she duz do some really competitive sitting at the computer. hahaha! Whitey loves your Cory face!
That photo cracks me up! Cory, your eyes! hahahaha!
I love that your mom rides bikes so much. Some of my Mommie's favorite food groups are also wine, chocolate and cheese!
Nice getting to know you! Meowm has a least we think it is a bike. We have only seen glimpses of it in the storage unit on the porch.
Funny funny picture! Good stuff, Cory's mom.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Love your live mask MOL..
Nice reading abut your mum, my mum did it today too,, Such fun,,
Hugs GJ xx
We are going to make Mom do this meme, but she has to find some of her pictures of her as a little bean. We love the facts about your Mom.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
It is very nice to meet your mom, Cory! *purrs*
That was a funny photo where your mum had your face instead of her own. We liked learning a bit about her.
We love the pic of you & your Mom's hair!! hahahaha
We also liked learning about her too :) Her food groups made Mom laugh ;) Our Mom loves coffee,cheese,wine,chocolate and ice cream!!!
Actually, she likes too many kinds of food,heehee
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
It's so fun to get to know your mom better. We love that picture of you and your mom's hair.
It's so nice to get to know your mom better! My mom has been tagged. She's going to play as soon as she can find some pictures.
Hi Lori! So nice to see the top of your current head! And what a cutie you were and I'm sure still are. I'm a trainer too, how cool.
We love to come on over here and see your furry family.
I love reading all about the cat moms - I think it is great! I am kind of glad to hear you have 5 bikes - it makes me feel less concerned about my boyfriend having 2 (which live in our kitchen). He has had up to 3 or 4 at a time (he loves bikes like I love cats). That is cool that you did the century ride - I know I wouldn't be able to!
We're just trying to catch up on everyone's adventures that we have missed. Man, cats sure are busy!! Anyhow, our mom can't eat gluten either and doesn't miss it one bit. She gets so tired of the "But, that means you can't eat ANYTHING" comments.
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