The suspense of the kitchen wall will have to wait for a couple of days. All I know is there was this cardboard box, useless because it wasn't big enough for me to nap in it or on it. Mom also said the paint colors had to go with whatever was in this box and not my mommas blue eyes. She said I would be happy. Whatever.

Meanwhile with the project unfinished and nothing left for us to do, my momma gave me a bath.

The really big news of the day is that it is my sister
woofie Grete's 3rd birthday!! Woo
hoo! I love my Grete dog. She is getting a couple of new squeaky balls for her birthday because the squeakers in her other balls are not so squeaky anymore. She will be thrilled!
Bennette promised that she wouldn't swat at Grete's nose for a WHOLE day!

Happy Birthday Grete! We love you.
Happiest Birthday Grete!! You are a great pooch!
PS Mom actually would allow me on the desk, cause she thinks it's cute too, but it's Dad's desk.
Happy Birthday Grete! Would you like some ham? I always bring some to a birthday gathering!
Happy Birthday, Grete! I just have woofie cousins, but I don't like to be around them. My mom comes home all of the time smelling like a woofie.
Happy Birthday, Grete!!!!! Hope it's a grrrrrreat one! :)
Happy Birthday sweet girl! We wish you a day full of snuggles, treats and squeeky balls!:)
We are looking forward to seeing what is in the box:)
Happy Purrthday Grete!
Happy birthday to Grete!!!! Hope all the kitties are nice to you today!
♥HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Beautiful Grete♥ We don't think you look a day over six months old☺
Happy Birthday Grete - have a great day! We know all the kitties will spoil you today. Smooches from us!
Milo and Alfie xx
Happy Birthday to you, Grete!
Happy third birthday, Grete! You are such a pretty lady! And Chilli studies all your poses, she's a great fan of yours. Have a pawsome day and show those squeaky balls what squeaking is like.
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
Happy Birthday Grete! Have a wonderful doggy day filled with love, fun, balls to chase and no nose whapping from Benette or any cat else!
& Mum
Hey Grete! Happy Birthday! I hope you like your new squeaky toys!
Woofs from Diamond!
Happy 3rd Barkday, sweet Grete!! We hope your day is filled with toys, treats and love!
Mom is dying to know what's in that box!
Happy Barkday Grete!!!!!! !Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris
Happy Birthday, Grete! We hope you have a wonderful day with your new squeaky toys!!!
(We wanna see what's in that box!)
Happy Birthday, Grete! We wish you many more!
Happy Birthday Grete! Sniffie said lots of great furries were born on this day!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Happy Purrfday Grete!
Best Birthday GRETEings to Grete on her third birthday today! Yay fur woofies, and yay fur Grete!
We hope she has a wonderful time with her new squeakies! And that all of you kitties treat her really nicely today. Maybe a treat or two wouldn't hurt either, mama!
Happy birthday, Grete! We hope the kitties all behave and are nice to you today.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Happy Happy hippity hoopity birday Grete!!!
I hopes that you gets everything that you want... hrrrm.. it's your birfday so... and MORE!! hehe
Bestest wishes :))
Hi Cory, we popped back to say you CAN do the beauty tips because some of the comments said they'd alread done them ~ so you were number 4 in accepting!
We can't wait to read them.
Milo and Alfie xxx
Happy birthday Grete !!!
Happy birthday, Grete!
Have a wonderful Happy Birthday, Grete!
Wishing you a great birthday, Grete!
Happy Purrthday Grete!!!! We hope you have a great day!!
Happy Birthday Grete! You are a very pretty doggie!
Happy Birthday Grete,, You are very lovely for a woofie..
Hugs GJ xx
Happy 3rd Birthday Grete! We all hope yoo get sum great nom noms too!!
Happy Birthday Grete! We hope you get lots of squeaky balls and chewey bones. We can't wait to see what's in the box.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Happy Birthday, Grete! That's such good news, your sister won't swat at you for a whole day!
Happy Barkday Grete. Have a wonderful day.
Happy Barkday Grete and a squillion more. We miss our Alfred doggy...German Shepherd woofies make great kitty frends.
Happy Purrthday Grete! Mommy's purrthday is today and she grewed up wif a shepherd woofie so she's happy to haf the same purrthday as yoo.
Sanjee and the resta the Hotties
Happy 3rd Birthday Grete and many, many, moooooore!! Hope you had a wonderful day!!
Your FL furiends,
Happy Birthday Grete - hope you get lots of toys and hugs!
Oops, looks like I'm a little late, but I hope your birthday was very happy! My woofie, Ginger, says to tell you that she's the only woofie in a houseful of cats too. You are a very pretty woofie!
Happy Birthday, Grete!
We is late but want to wish Grete a belated ♥HAPPY PURR-THDAY♥
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