I've had a bad week. On Tuesday my mom noticed that I was trying to pee every couple of minutes out in the garden. You know what that means. I was hauled off to the doctor in a nanosecond.

Of course that's easier said than done with me, as I'm hard to catch. Dad had to get me by the scruff of my neck, just like a kitten. The v-e-t found tons of crystals in my pee, so they gave me some shots, took a way cool x-ray of my insides and now I'm waiting for my v-e-t to take a closer look at the x-ray to make sure I don't have a stone in my bladder since my x-ray was kind of inconclusive. I'm now stuck inside, so good thing I got some nip earlier in the week. I'm feeling a little better now, and I've got new food to eat too. I think it's ok.
We hope you are feeling and peeing better...and we hope you like your new food!
Ooh, we hope everything is OK soon.
We origably typed "hope everything comes out OK", but The Big Thing was lookin ofer our shoulders and laffed, so we knew we made a mistake...
Ut-oh. Make sure to drink lots and lots of water too. I know that's probably not what you feel like doing, but if there is a stone it will help.
Oh Cecilia. Are you kitties taking turns at having health troubles? We hope your pee issues clear up quickly. Fui had problems with his wee a while ago, so I know it's not fun.
I had to go to the vet for my microchip scanning the other day. As soon as I saw the carrier come out, I went and hid in the top of the wardrobe. I was eventually scruffed like a baby too. It looks like us Silky and Slender girls have more than our furs in common!:)
Oh that doesn't sound fun, Cecilia! Samson had the same problem recently and it turned out to be a bladder irritation (Interstitial Cystitis). We hope your vet helps you feel better!
I'm glad you are feeling a little better and I hope that you do not have a stone!
Cecilia, we are so sorry to hear about the crystals in your pee! That is awful painful and we purray you heal very soon!! We are sending you lots of healing vibes!!!
Poor Cecilia! It's not fun having those crystals. I thought it was something that only male cats got -- at least it's more common in mancats, I think. Yes, changing the food is the way to go. Hope you feel 100% in no time!
Oh sweety, I hope you are soon back up to top notch health. Those VETs.. ouch shots.
Hugs GJ xx
Oh Cecilia, first it hit Bennette and now you. Some evil power wants to cause a hard time for the silky & slenders. Drink a lot and get better soon. Hopefully there isn't a stone! And I think this could mean wet food for you, so there's good news!
Loving licks and purrs, Chilli
Oh Cecelia, that is prezactly what Gandalf haz! FLUTD. It iz No Fun. But our new prescription foodz haz made Gandalf feel all better. We iz all all the new foodz now: It is formulated to lower the urine pH which helps to disolve the crystals and, hopefully, prevent them from forming again. Whitey hopes you do not have a stone and that you are feeling better soon!
Having just had a stone removed a few weeks ago, Bugsy really hopes you don't have one. Any problems are bad enough but surgery is a real pain (and he hasn't gotten to go outside since 'cause of the incision healing!). We all hope you don't have one and that everything will be fine with you soon.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
We hope you don't have a stone. We'll keep praying for a good report from the VET.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Sorry you had to go to the V-E-T, but hope you feel better soon! Take advantage of being inside and be a lap cat as much as possible!
sorry you are sick and have those crystals. a new food sounds nice though. being inside is not that bad, i am inside 99% of the time and i am ok with it b/c its cool in the house.
nice to meet you, Wilfred
Oh! I hope you improve soon =)
Feel better. I do not like having a bladder infection. It hurts! I hope you get better and have no stones.
Oh no! We are sorry you have crystals. We will be purring for it to be only crystals, no stones and for you to get better quickly!!!
Oh No. Hope you feel better soon.
Oh noes! Cecilia, potty problems are no fun at all. I hope you don't have any rocks inside of you and you can just eat some special delicious foods to get all better.
We hope your feeling better! Sandusky has that problem! Now he is on a special diet forever and forever!
And the vet said he can't ever eat fish again! His favorite food!
We hope you feels better and dat yoo has NO funny crystals inside of you...we will keep yoo in our purrayers...
We hope those shots get the nasty old crystals cleared up.
I hope the shots clear up the nasty crystals and the x-rays show nothing else.
Oh noes! I so sorry Cecelia! I knows goings to da vet no funs but I bet it no funs to has crystals eithers. I hopes you can eats da new food okay and dat da x-ray shows no mores of em.
I sendings you Purrrrrrrrrrrs
I hope it's nothing serious sweet Cecelia! Purrs
Cecilia we hope you feels better soon.
Cory and Jonesie are on the LOLSpot again today teaching Lessons #20 and #26, respectively.
I hope your sister will be ok. My mom has been trying to figure out a healthier diet for us. What no fishy Fancy Feast?? That is my favorite. I hope mom is not reading your post!
That is too funny, a big box of whooppeeee! Congrats to you. Love that photo of you with the white hairdo!
Oh, I hope you are feeling better - we are a bit behind so we have to catch up but we hope all your tests turned out ok and the x-ray showed no stones!
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