I should be happy because today is Friday and it's a holiday and my mom and dad are home. The problem is we will all soon be in "kitty lockdown"...because tomorrow is the 4th of July and today is a Friday which means the kabooms will get started today. Silly humans.

My mom and dad do not participate in it and they will remain in lockdown with us since they know how scared we get. Such a shame to have to be inside on a beautiful day, but it beats being freaked out.
You may notice that we no longer are playing music. Mom has enjoyed being our DJ for so many months now, but it appears the music may be the culprit in some kitties having slow or no response to our bloggie. We will see how it goes for a few days. Please let us know if it's easier or quicker to get to us now. If so, you may have to humm along a tune of your own. Cory is a rocker kitty, so she is a bit disappointed...
I get scaredy too. Good luck tomorrow.
I'm not ready for those loud crackers this weekend either!
Your mum is a great dj, Madison. We thought she made some great choices for accompanying music that went well with your stories.
If you want to teleport over here to hide from the fireworks, we have Fancy Feast!:)
We haven't experienced fireworks yet but if it's anything like the lawn mover we know what you're talking! We had in fact problems visiting but they started only recently and today everything is fine. We had the same problem on the Creek Cats blog.
Have a good weekend!
Siena & Chilli
We heard those loud booms last night. It's going to be a long (and scary) weekend.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
I'm hiding out too, Madison! I hate all those loud boomers! Why do the humans hafta make so much noise???
(pee ess. We got on your blog a little quicker...but we miss the music! Don't know what the trade-off should be...quickness or music!)
It did load a lot faster, but Mom installed more RAM in her laptop yesterday (RAM? - wouldn't the horns be a problem?) So we don't know if the music being gone was the problem.
ps - we'll be on lockdown too. Sigh...no deck time tomorrow!
Lock down isn't too bad when the family is together. Have a great time on the inside my friends!
It is too bad you have to stay inside in such lovely weather. We turn our sound off when read blogs because she usually has more than one window open and too many different things going on just makes everyone sound bad.
At least your beans will stay inside with you. Our Mommy usually goes outside to watch the fireworks. Most of us, though, don't mind the loud noises all that much, they're mostly just annoying more than scary. Hope you kitties manage okay.
Your bloggie definitely loaded a lot faster today without the music! We didn't always have trouble with it, but did sometimes, and can't say for sure if that was why. But really noticed the speed change.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
I am planning on spending the holiday under the bed!
Guess there are some good things about living in the country and acres away from neighbors!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
So sorry you guys have to be in kitty lockdown because of the kabooms! We don't like the either!
Wow, your mom is amazing..... 100 mile bike ride?? That is totally pawsome and also for a very good cause! Best of luck to her! Can't wait to see what shows up on "mom cam."
Well, music doesn't stop us from visitin friends, cause we just have the speakers turned off.
But we know what ya mean about the booms tomorrow. It started here tonite. We are staying inside...
We think that kitty lockdown is the way to spend the weekend. That way you will be safe. Have a great weekend.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Don't worry! You'll be okay!
A Safe and Happy Fourth to you all!
~ The Bunch
Cory, you sure do look pretty all decked out in your 4th of July clothes! Purrs to you!
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