I adore my bed. I know mom supposedly got the bed for Cory, but Cory hardly looked at it. I fell in love at first sight. I only leave it for short bits of time.
Ellie stops by and gives me baths in the bed. I will not share it with her. I will not share it with anyone. I hope Ellie doesn't think that giving me a bath will somehow make me let her actually sleep in it. No way.

It's mine. Mine.

Jeeze, if I had that bed I'd only leave it to use the box and I would demand my food and water be put right in front of it.
The PM is trying to figure out how to make a human size version.
Great nest!
Purrs Shade
Bennette, we don't blame you a bit!
That sure does look super comfy, Bennette. We don't blame you one little bit for not moving!
Bennette...you look good in that bed too!
Thats a great bed, Bennette! We don't blame you for wanting to keep it all to yourself!
Thanks again for the purrs!
That's a super bed! We think you are smart to keep your spot!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Sometimes you just know when a bed is perfect for you!
Hahaha! You sound like Chilli, Bennette. Well, that is one pawsome bed... Sweet dreams!
Purrs, Siena
What a neat-o bed! It looks like it would be very warm, too.
Very cool bed. If I had one I'd try to get everyone to join me, Cliff, the Female and maybe even the Man.
So nice of Ellie!
Oh, that is a very cozy bed. I'll bet you feel very safe in there because you're all tucked in like in a cave. I might have to get one like that.
That's a super cosy bed. Just great for those chilly nights (and days). Don't blame you for not sharing.
That's a sweet spot, I would never get outta there.
Thanks for your purrs for us and we'll take them, your comments about Daddy were very kind. You are great friends and you mean a great deal to us.
Bennette, it's me, Chilli. Cory left me a comment saying that you wanted to join a "slinky" club. I didn't really get that - does it mean you want to join my Silky & Slender Crew? I would be delighted to have you in my crew, we will hang out, have fun together, rob other kitties... What, Mom? Oh, seems like there'll be no robbing but, you know, you get the idea. The others are kitten like me and the oldest is 5 years so far. Let me know...
Your Crazy Cat, Chilli
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