Friday, March 20, 2009

Formerly Feral Friday

It's been an interesting week. I've been looking after my buddy Madison, making sure he's doing well and recovering from his sniffle and rear end "issues". I like him a whole lot! My sisters are looking after my mom...a cats work is never done.
Buzz off Ginger
Meanwhile I'm worried about my buddy Nigel. Since he moved in the house I don't get to look after him like I used to. I have to rely on mom and dad for updates. Apparently, he's still meowing loudly for no apparent reason, but the meows are sounding a wee bit less desperate. Once Grete goes to bed in her crate at night, he's allowed out of his room to roam and explore on his own. Everyone else just looks at him while he's meowing...dude, what's your problem? Thing is, he doesn't really know. I know how it is to be formerly feral and it will just take him time to learn the ropes and learn to trust. He seems to like the other kitties but they think he's a bit odd. Ellie still hasn't washed him, but she's thinking about it.

Meanwhile, Ginger came outside and we still hiss at each other. Some things never change.

Happy Spring everyone!


Cliff and Olivia said...

Sounds like a lot of interesting stuff going on at your place. Cliff's meowing too, but we understand what he's saying most of the time, like "there's not enough dry food", "I'm hungry", "I'd like to go out", "the Man is not home yet, and it is 5pm".


Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

You guys must have your schedule of comings and goings posted on the fridge. Wow!

I hope Nigel calms down a bit a realizes he's in a real great place!

Have a great weekend!

Purrs Goldie

Parker said...

Happy Spring and smoochies to all of you!

Tuck said...

Poor Nigel. I hope he starts to relax soon. Im sure that you kitties will help him learn to calm down and enjoy life as a pampered cat!

The Creek Cats said...

Happy spring to all of you! We found that feliway diffusers worked great wonders for helping to calm Rambler when he first moved into the house and also a squirt or two of rescue rememdy each day. Now he requires nothing and is just happy with some lovin!
Hopefully Nigel will relax and start enjoying his new home very soon!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

It sounds like you're working extra hard, Cecilia. and we very much hope that Madison will be all recovered very soon.

Zeus said...

I can appreciate all of the hard work that is happening here. I am sure Nigel appreciates all of it. Get better soon, Madison!

The Island Cats said...

We hope Nigel realizes what a good thing he's got now! We're sure he will!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We hope everything calms down soon. Our Malachi is still learning some rules.
Hope your Mom is doing all right after her fall!
We were reading about your very special Guardian Angels. We hope KittyBoy has met them, and they are all having a good time at The Bridge.

Thank you for coming by our blog and leaving nice words about our sweet boy.
~ The Bunch and Momma Bobbie

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Thanks for the's a tough job being a good cat companion and it sounds like you are very understanding of Nigel...that will help him settle into his indoor life with you

Daisy said...

Hi Cecilia! Thanks for the update. It sounds like Nigel is making good progress.

Anonymous said...

Cecilia, it's a job just keeping up with the goings on of everybuddy at your house! Wow! Happy Weekend!

Anonymous said...

WOW! Sounds like you are very busy Cecilia. Try and haff a relaxing weekend!

The Florida Furkids said...

Our house is pretty quiet next to yours! We're glad Nigel is adjusting to his new home.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

It sounds like you kitties are staying very busy. It sounds like Nigel is progressing well.

The Creek Cats said...

Oh great, best of luck! We are purring that it works as well for Nigel as it did for Rambler!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Nigel is lonely fer is furiends? Dat might be why he meows so much.

Baby Patches said...

Hi Cecilia! It's nice to meets you. Ellie stopped by my blog today, she knows all about keeping the plume clean. Sounds likes Nigel is just getting use to the indoors. I hopes he can start to relax. I hopes you all enter the Spring Photo Contest!

Cat with a Garden said...

Ah, here's the answer to our question: You did meet him. We think he is working up his past as a feral cat and has some stories to tell. A lot of purrs to all of you for being so patient. And Ellie, I think it might be a good idea to wash him!
Purrs, Siena

Anonymous said...

Heheh Nigel you sound just like a natural crooner like myself! We would not be us without our loud mows!