Thank you to everyone who came to my Gotcha Day party! I've never thrown a party before so thank you for making it a special day. My mom and dad got me a potted catnip plant! It won't stay in the pot for long since it will get planted outside so I can keep an eye on it.

My sisters Cory and Ellie wasted no time in helping themselves to my gift. I was ok with it since they don't go outside and can't play in the catnip forest. It's good to share.

Cory and Ellie said they were glad they couldn't be outside with everyone because it was kind of a cold and damp day. The sun did come out, but it's what they call "sun breaks", meaning you get sun, then clouds, then rain, then sun...repeat.

March isn't the best time for an outdoor party so I'll probably throw another party in the summertime. Some of my neighborhood furriends could not attend because they weren't let outside in the semi-yucky weather. All I wanted to do after the last guests left was to have mom turn on the fireplace to I could warm up and sleep!

I didn't get a lot of presents for my birthday. It's not because my family does not love me, it's because I don't really want much other than to enjoy my yard. Why buy me a new scratching post when I have this lovely tree, with cat nip growing at the base? I even prefer my kibble to stinky goodness!

Here's Bennette checking out the nip that's in it's baby beginning phase. The tender little leaves are quite the delicacy!
I have been living here for 7 years now. It's hard to believe that I was in such bad shape when I was found that it took my mom and dad a few months to nurse me back to health. I never dreamed I would be living such a good life now and I appreciate all that I have every day. That's why I don't ask for much. I have everything I want.
PS. I've been trying to nurse my mom by sitting on her owie shoulder and purring. She says it's better than a heat pad...but my pesky sister Ellie thinks it's her job to mother everyone and she won't let me do my job. Lucky for me mom helped me type most of this post before she owied herself. Mom is grateful for the healing purrs everyone has sent and is thankful every minute for her helmet.
Happy belated birthday! Sorry we couldn't make it to your party. :)
I am so sorry about your Mom's accident! I hope that keeps feeling better and better!
That baby catnip looks sooooooooo yummy!
Oh Jonesie, you is a very wise kitteh! And I think enlightened even :))
I wish I could be there ot help your momma too, even to keep Ellie busy so you can do your job.. we will have to just sit here and purr inthe background to make sure your momma heals up nice and quick :)
Catnip and a pretty pot? That sounds like the perfect gift for a gardening cat like you.
We think you have a very wise attitude, Jonesie. We are thankful that you found your family, and that you are now enjoying such a wonderful life with them.
We are also very thankful that your mum was wearing her helmet. Make sure she keeps taking care of herself, though we have no doubt you are already doing an excellent job:)
Hope your Mom feels.... uh.... I was distracted by the baby nip.
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday, dear Jonesie,
Happy Birthday to you!
Jonesie, we had a blast at your garden party! So much so, we had to take a few days off!
Sorry to hear about your mommy's owie! We sure hope she is feeling better very soon. We are sending her lotsa healing vibes!
I am glad you had such a happy Gotcha Day!
Oh that catnip looks real are so lucky to have it!!!
We hope your mom's shoulder feels better soon...with all of you to help nurse her, she'll be good as new in no time!
I am drooling just thinking about your catnip forest. You kitties are so sweet to take such good care of your mom while she heals.
Jonsie,we are happy you had a great Gotcha Day!!! You certainly are in the best home :) That plant is pawsome! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,heehee
Bet you are happy kitties now ;)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Sorry I missed your Gotcha Day! I hope it was wonderful!
I would like to try the catnip~
I have an award for u!
Go to my blog to receive it!
We love the thought of baby catnip. We hope your Mom is much better soon - keep looking after her.
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