Friday, March 27, 2009

Saying Goodbye to Friends on Friday

Today we pay tribute to our friend Cal. We purred so hard for him our motors almost ran out. We never stopped hoping that he would get well. It was not to be.

Cal, you were loved by your family and by all of your good pals of the CB. You were one of the first CB friends we met. We were drawn to you because you looked so much like our Lewis who left for the Bridge a couple of weeks before I started my blog. Now it turns out, your passing mirrored his....losing weight, then losing the ability to breathe then losing the hard fought battle.

Lewis, I hope you were there to greet Cal and let him know the ropes of being a Guardian Angel cat.


Misha said...

It was so sad to hear about Cal.

Your Kitty Fight Club bout is tomorrow, by the way.

Cat with a Garden said...

We hoped all the way too. Cal really had a though time beginning shortly after we met him. He fought so hard and we really thought he would make it one day and be all healthy again. It is so sad to lose yet another good cat. That's a very sweet tribute to Cal!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli

Forever Foster said...

We are sorry that your friend was called to the Bridge. We did not know Cal, but he sounds like a grand mancat.


Parker said...

We had hoped he would get better too. He was such a good cat and we will miss him!

Zeus said...

It was sad to hear of Cal, but now he can run free with all the others who have passed before him. I'm sure they're having a blast.

The Island Cats said...

We sure are sad about losing Cal...we had our purr motors working overtime for him too...we really will miss him...

The Creek Cats said...

We can't tell you how much it touched our hearts to see this beautiful tribute to our boy. We take great comfort in knowing that Lewis was waiting to greet Cal as he entered the bridge. They shared a similar story in life and I just know they will be great friends now.
Thank you!

The Florida Furkids said...

We were so sad to hear about Cal. We know Cal and Lewis are romping and playing at the Bridge together and that they will become pals at the Bridge.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We were sad about Cal but glad he's no longer suffering...we think he found lots of frends to play wif at da Bridge.

wildcatwoods said...

Such a nice tribute to Cal. He will be missed but I am sure Lewis is there to greet him at the Bridge and show him the ropes.

The Cats of Wildcat Woods

Anonymous said...

Cal has many kitty furiends from the CB to help guide his way we are sure. He fought bravely and hard. We shall miss him too.

Jasmim said...

We are very sad because of Cal

Jas & Gi

Quill and Greyson said...

Oh Cory Cat that was a very sweet tribute to our lost friend.

Sweet Purrfections said...

That was a very nice tribute to our lost friend, Cal.

Rusty said...

What a great tribute to Cal.

I purred like crazy too. I know that Cal is at the Rainbow Bridge and I'm sure that all our loved kitties who had gone before were there waiting to greet him.