Before you hear about my adventures in the park, head over to
Misha's for the Kitty Fight Club. Cory is up against Goma and she needs all the help she can get. Even the love of her momma may not get her out of this one...

It's been months since I've been able to go to the dog park. I've been a whiny impossible pest.

I was supposed to have a play date with my boyfriend Trek, but he stood me up last weekend because he wimped out because of the rain. Hey, this is Oregon! I played in the park by myself that day. Today it's nicer out and there are several dogs. I've never met this boy before and he's kind of cute.

Yes, the greetings must happen...

I've missed the park, but I'm back now. Let the chasing games begin!
Grete, it looks like you had so much fun. Mom doesn't let me go to a bark park for a couple of reasons. Greyhounds have very thin skin and even in the course of play, I can get a very nasty tear in my skin that would require stitches, and I am lazy and only have about 2 or 3 minutes of energy for play (actually all greyhounds are about like that) so it would be a waste of time, especially since our closest one is about 30 minutes away.
You big flirt, Grete!
Looks like Cory's doing well in her match so far in Kitty Fight Club.
Looks like a fun trip to the park,and Cory was doing well when we saw earlier.
Grete, you look faboulous! And that boy is really kind of cute! Chilli is studying your body language seems like she thinks of herself as a german shepherd now... Hahaha!
Cory, we loved your picture, you look very, very cute indeed! We voted!
Oh Grete, you look amazing! We are happy to hear you are back at the park, and hope that you thoroughly enjoyed your play time:)
Cory, the cuteness factor of your Fight Club photo was too much. It sent us into overload! You beautiful girl:)
Hey, Grete, looks like you are having lots of fun in the park! And so's your new furiend!
Cory, you are doing good in the battle!
The park looks like a lot of fun. I wish Cory luck, but you know that Goma is one of my main mancats, so this one was hard for me.
Hey Cory I voted for you in your battle!
Be sure to stop by my neighborhood. I have something special for one of you!
Our woofies like the dog park too! Good luck to Cory - her kitten picture was adorable!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Hello saw the lovely Nigel over at Tuck's place and came over to say hello. You all look a lovely bunch I will pop over again if thats ok.
Hugs GJ xxx
Grete, you look like you're over the moon about being in the park! Woo Hoo!
I wouldn't mind going across the street to our park, but anybody who tries to sniff MY butt will get a claw in the nose!!
Milo: I sniff Alfie's butt sometimes!
Alfie: He does too!
I wishes you luck Cory in the battle! I voteds for you. I am up tomorrow, wish me luck.
Oh Grete so nice to see you out and about!
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