Everyone wants to know if I've actually met Nigel yet. He is now getting out of his room to explore the house and all us kitties have met him, including me. He still does not want to be petted or touched by mom and dad. We are all being very patient and giving him lots of room. He has taken longer to adjust than any cat my mom and dad have known. Here he is in the dining room.

He's trying to look fierce, but it's just a yawn.

Hey, that's me! Here I am watching him closely and trying to figure him out. He still meows all the time. We listen to what he has to say. He was on his own for a long time so the entire story may take awhile to come out.

Proof that we are not the same cat! Here we are in the same picture. He's about to bolt for his safe room.

We got him some Rescue Remedy and a Feliway diffuser. We're hoping that helps him adjust. I admit I have hissed at him, but only a little.
He's probably still grumpy that you called him Nigel!
You look like you could be siblings! We are glad that you showed a photo of the two of you, or we would have thought you were playing a trick on us, Cory:)
That's good that he's getting a little exploring in. Every kitty is an individual, so he'll socialize on his own terms.
Hey, you've got a bizzy too! We like ours when a toy is thrown in it, and we play even after the toy's out, but then we forget about it for a while until another toy is in it again.
Miss Cory I can't imagine a hiss coming from that pretty mouth.. the shame! :p
I am sure that Nigel knows that he is very lucky and is very grateful but he is also prolly used to being fierce and proactive in his defence, so I would imagine he will come around soon when he sees you guys don;t need to be that way :))
U both a very resemble, Cory!
Hehehehe, we liked the "proof we're not the same cat" pic! You are all so patient with Nigel, that's the most impawtant thing. I bet the humans would give anything to understand what he's saying...
Yay, Bennette! Power to the Silkies! Purrs, Chilli
He'll get there - just continue being patient! I hissed at Alfie when he first arrived and now we're best friends.
Sounds like Nigel is adjusting...it will take time...Zoey is still adjusting to life here...and it's been a year! We know all of you will be patient with Nigel and give him his space....
It's good that Nigel is exploring. These things take time and we know he'll come around.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Wow Cory, you and Nigel really do look so much alike! We hope that he will come around really, really soon, especially with your Mom and Dad, so he can come to know how wonderful the human touch is!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Wow! You guys do look a lot alike! How amazing.
We've been following Nigel's story. We hope he gets all comfortably with the rest of the gang.
Ah, I think you are so right, Nigel has a very long and mysterious tale to tell about his prior life!
It is very beautiful! Looks a lot like you
Jas & Gi
It's great to hear that Nigel is exploring the house. It won't be long until he's comfortable with all you guys
i remember wen mi brudder matsui wooden't come owt frum under da bed ... now he ownz da place.
Nigel seems to be settling in pretty good! You DO look a lot alike!
If you two become friends,you can pretend to be twins and confuse your folks!! heehee That could be neat ;)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Patience is the key! He is so handsome!
Hi all! Nigel, you take all the time you need to settle in. You have a wonderful loving home and they will be patient with you.
I think it is wonderful that Cory and you look so much like real brothers! What a resemblance!
Thank you for the nice thoughts for my family. They were very appreciated
You two do look alike. Hope Nigel warms up fast.
I'm sure glad you're okay.
Nigel looks like he is doing great! I'm sure he will find his niche and little by little become less scared. He looks pretty comfortable. I'm sure he is very, very grateful that he has such a warm and loving place to live.
P.S. Hooray! I can now post on blogs with the embedded comment form!
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