Hi, I had to go back to the v-e-t on Friday. I had to be checked up to make sure the antibiotics did the trick and got rid of my URI. I still snuffle and have sinus issues, but I've had that my whole life. Other than than, I'm clear. My teeth are not good, so in preparation for some dental work, they took blood out of me for a "senior" health screen. Hmmmph! I won't even be 13 years old until May. My blood screen revealed that I'm perfectly healthy...I could have told them that. They wouldn't take my word for it.

Some of my kitty friends had questions about my eyes. If you look closely in the first picture you can see that my eyes are green but they have brown speckles in them. My eyes used to be pure green but as I get "older", they have changed. You can see the picture below taken 2 years ago and you can see the difference.

My doctor says it's a condition called melanosis. It can be harmless, but it could also turn to melanoma so my mom and dad have to watch it closely and I need to have the doctor check me out regularly too. I guess that means I can't skip out on my regular check ups. The doctor was up on this because his kitty had the same condition a couple of years ago and his kitty lost one of his eyes! I hope that doesn't happen to me.
That's it for the tuxie man cat report.
Come back tomorrow to help celebrate Cory's birthday!