Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tuxie Tuesday

What's Bennette up to now? Oh, I really mean UP! Bennette believes in examining every inch of the house, whether she's supposed to be there or not.

Cory: "Hey Bennette, what the heck are you doing up there on the fridge?
Bennette: "I was watching Design on a Dime on HGTV and I was getting ideas."

Bennette: "I've decided to re-purpose this cheese board into a bed"

Cory: "Oh no, not my cheese board!"

Bennette: "Too late!"


Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Oh my.

Bernadette, you are a fiesty one for sure!!

Sorry about the cheese board, Cory.


Everycat said...

Bennette you are such a smart tuxie. The cheese board is yours, wood is so nice and warm I find. Cory will just have to buy a new one, which is good because when you get bored of the original there'll be a fresh cheese board to sit on. Yay! for human slaves!

Whicky Wuudler

Gemini and Ichiro said...

That sounds like a grand idea on the cheese board.

Kiddo said...

That's an excellent idea Bennette, re-purposing the cheeseboard like that! I re-purpose phone books for beds...or anything paper really. Newpapers make excellent beds, too!


Maggie May said...

Hey Bennette, we love HGTV!! Great ideas on those shows.
~The Creek Cats~

Daisy said...

Way to go, Bennette! I love getting up high, too.

The Island Cats said...

Hahaha! That's a good one, Bennette! You should have your own show on HGTV!

Anonymous said...

Repurposing the cheesboard sounds good to us. If there happens to be any cheese you are not using...

Anonymous said...

Oh you is a good girl and doing your bit for the environment too!!
Momma loves to try and re purpose things.. good on you for doing it too!! :)


Mr. Hendrix said...

ha ha ha Repurposing is very economical and trendy right now. It is also very "green". My mommy likes HGTV and I like when she sits still for a long time so I do too.


Mr. Hendrix said...

PS Thank you so much for coming to my party. I'm so glad Ellie found foods she likes too!

Whimpurr said...

Bennette you are one very mischievous and adorable kitty!

Ivan from WMD said...

Wow, that makes you very tall, Bennette!

Southbaygirl said...

Cory and Mom, Thank you so very much for your kind, caring, compassionate words during this sad time! I can't express what the outpouring of support has meant! Thank you so very much!!

Penny, Kodak, 3 Perf, Blossom and Angel Winton