Friday, November 7, 2008

Formerly Feral Friday

I was a bit suspicious about what was happening with Cecilia and Madison. First Cecilia moves out of the house and "in" with Madison. That was actually ok, because we all seem to like her a whole lot better when we are looking at her on the other side of a window or the other side of the door.

Turns out Madison thinks she's ok...Cecilia thinks Madison is ok. She headbutts him. What concerns me is that we've seen mom and dad sneaking out of the house with little plates and what looks to be wet food.

Turns out the dynamic duo have been given special treats behind our backs. When I confronted mom and dad on the injustice, they were unimpressed. They said "do you want to live in the shop too?" Uh oh...well no, I don't.

Hmmm..what's a kitty to do?


Forever Foster said...

Oh the injustice! A kitty can't be expected to make such a lose/lose decision!!!:O

The Island Cats said...

Hahaha! Being "banned" to the shop has it's advantages, doesn't it??!?

Daisy said...

This seems a little bit unfair!



NO FAIR we proclaim...but alas it looks like it's hopeless...nothing can be done...


Gemini and Ichiro said...

But but but... you need food too!

Everycat said...

I think if you spend more time outside, you definately need more food. Maybe there will soon be a queue to be "banned to the shop" ?

Whicky Wuudler

Maggie May said...

Sneaky sneaky!!!! So not fair!
~The Creek Cats~

The Crew said...

You must demand what is rightfully yours. Treats for everyone, I say!!


Kiddo said...

You should stow away to the shop just to swipe some yummy treats!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Well, guess being banished to da shop needs to be rewarded somehow. Is da shope heated?

Anonymous said...

That does not seem right to us, either!

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Sweet photos of feline togetherness.

I did "together" today, too. I hope you can visit and leave your link. :)

Mrs. Mecomber