Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tabby Tattletale Tuesday

I like being out in the yard. I just don't like gardening, or working hard. I just like to hang out and pretend that I had something to do with how the yard looks. Except now. It looks like crap. Uh...sorry to be so blunt but it's true. The leaves have covered everything in a matted mess. The plants that were lush and green and bearing fruits and veggies in the summer are now blackened and slimy and gross. Jonesie is trying to put a good face on it, but she's embarrassed too. When I'm outside Jonesie follows me around like I can do something about it. She knows who to complain to but she's too nice. Not me. You can see by my face that I'm not pleased with my mom and dad slackin'. I probably shouldn't be too hard on them because they did put in hours and hours of work on raking and dealing with the leaves this past weekend. Dad hauled away 3 trailer loads of leaves, and the rest will now be mulched so they can use them in the garden beds. I didn't lift a paw to help. Tough. Not my job.
I did find a little sprout of catnip plant growing in the grass once they finally got around to uncovering the poor smothered thing. I'll take care of it now!

Meanwhile, I think it's kind of funny that Whitey wrote "watch this space" on his blog and Cory did just that...she takes everything so literally. I've given her a paw whap and she's back to reality now.


Forever Foster said...

Ginger, we love you. We think you're fabulous.

That is all :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Ging, we hope yoor not too smug abowt Jonesie's garden being a wintery mess! And Cory is clearly Love-sic! And yoo are floofin' gorjuss.

Milo and Alfie xx

Angel Simba said...

Good of you to try to keep everyone in line!

Parker said...

I'd like to help you take care of that little 'nip plant! I think that Cory and Whitey got a thing going on!!!

The Island Cats said...

Ginger...it's okay if the yard looks like crap now...our yard looks like crap too and no one around here seems to care much either...just as long as mom brought in our catnip plant, we don't care...

The Creek Cats said...

What a great find under all those leaves!

The Florida Furkids said...

You did a good job finding that nip plant!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Daisy said...

Gardening is much harder than I thought! I guess this is not gardening season.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Ginger, our garden is super crispy now with a touch of slime so we know how you feel.

The Monkeys said...

You're our favorite 'tell all' cat, Ginger!

SeaThreePeeO said...

You have your very own catnip plant?

Lisa Kolosey said...

Looking awefully pretty in your tattle mode...so serious too. You should take a nap and let mother nature deal with the garden. It all belongs to her in the end anyway!
~Lisa Co9T

Mr. Hendrix said...

you tell those beans to keep up your yard Ginger. i am so glad you discovered that poor neglected nip plant. now it can be well cared for.

Jonsie is very smart. she put the responsibility of demanding your beans clean up on you because you are so good at it. every kitty should work with their strengths. it must be hard for her to see all her efforts fall away in the winter

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

If it gets too much for you, Ginger, come to South Texas for the winter cuz it pretty much stays green here.....we would love to have you visit.


Anonymous said...

We like to watch our Grampy gardening... we just do not want to do it either. We haven't had fresh nip in the longest time. :sigh:

PS. Hi, Cory! xo

Anonymous said...

Our yard looks like crap, too, but less crappy than yesterday cuz momma went outside an' picked up alla' the crap that the dogs put out there when they does their stuff - ifyouknowwhatwemean☺

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Our yard doesn't look so hot either... It is very difficult to keep up this time of year. I snoopervise from the window....

Rupert said...

Ginger, you are one special cat! You remind me of my long-lost sister.

Keep up the good work in the yard!

Paws 'n Claws,

Ariel said...

Garden work is hard and definitely not for us kittys.

One Cats Nip said...

Ginger, you sound like a really tough snooperviser! I think i would be intimidated to works for you.

Catline Crew said...

You look so pretty in your fluffy coat.

CCL Wendy said...

I love it when Ginger tattles. We learn so many things that way. She really knows how to keep everyone in line, too, it seems.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are impressed that you found the little nip plant. Our garden has turned to crap too and we have to be careful when we charge around it because it is very easy to slip over and slide along the ground. When that happens we check if anyone saw us, then pretend it was meant to happen.

Annie Bear said...

I don't blame you for not wanting to do any of the work. You're so lucky you have your own nip plant!

Tuck said...

It's OK...one gardener is enough in your feline family!

GLOGIRLY said...

Yes you are lucky to have your very own Nip plant.

The only Nip I have is in a little plastic bag, hidden somewhere. Don't worry, I'll find it.


Quill and Greyson said...

Ginger you are a real Sass factory! Are you sure you're not part tortie?