I don't know about my family. Here it is a perfectly wonderful Sunday to sleep in and be lazy. You know what's gonna happen today? Mom and dad will go off to the dog park with Grete and then they'll spend the rest of the day working in the yard, raking leaves and pulling up garden stuff. That's way more work that I can handle.
Someones got to stay in bed and it might as well be me. It's a tough job but some cat's gotta do it.
Staying in bed sounds like my kind of Sunday!
A good mancat always leads by example. :)
You're quite right, Nigel! All that running about is definitely not Sunday-like!
Just my sentiments too!
Nigel, our mum says you are a mancat after her own heart.
We love the photo of you. It looks like a painting:)
My favourite thing is staying in bed on a Sunday!
Love Alfie Marshall xx
It is too, mom calls him a bit of a slug, 'cos he doesn't raise from his bed until hears the chink of his brekkie dish! Praps yoo shud start a "slug" club dedicated to laying in bed, Nigel? Alfie Marshall would join immediately!
Love Milo xx
Nigel, you sound like the smartest one in the family. I am going to follow your lead while everyone else works!
Nigel, that is the purrfect thing to do! Do you want to teleport here and join our Meezer Pile? Hee hee!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
We think you're a pretty clever ManCat!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Nigel, it sounds like you have your paws full today too...with all that napping and stuff!
You've got the best job in the house, Nigel! Keeping the bed warm. Well done!
Nigel,we think you have discovered that a lot of beans are nuts!!!!!! We all know beds are warm,cozy and soft and great for snoozing! Why beans do not stay in them is a mystery to us!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
I'm with you, Nigel, I like to nap on Sunday (and every other day of the week) but I like my chair on the porch. It's comfy and warm there.
We are definitely ready for an 11 kitty strong snuggle pile! Momma can sleep on the sofa ... hee hee!
You definitely have the right idea, Nigel! I don't understand all that work either! Hope you're having a great Sunday!!
Sounds like my kind of Sunday too... Hugs GJ x
Awesome way to spend a Sunday!
You're right. Someone needs to keep the bed warm.
Totally agree. Keeping the bed warm is a (clever) kitty's job.
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