I was sitting in my moms' lap dreaming of cheese. Cheese from
Tillamook. Land of the cheese. Place of my birth. The doorbell rang and this is what was delivered from the kind Federal Express man...a gift from the answerer of all cats dreams. Big boxes! But what was better was what was inside the boxes. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined this...

Pounds and pounds of cheese. Delivered from the cheese gods. Wheels and wheels of cheesy goodness. Almost 3 times
my body weight in cheese! I almost passed out. I was actually light headed when this picture was taken.

I was overtaken with the thought of it all. We got to sample some right away...it was all meant for me, I'm sure of it. My momma Ellie had to have some too. We are both from
Tillamook. It's our birth right to be the first to lay into the cheese.

In a rare move, I didn't even steal cheese from my
momma's mouth. There was plenty for me. There's enough we could melt it down and I could swim in it! A lifetime supply of cheese. Think of the cheese parties we can have!

smackin' good.
Wow! You got massive amounts of cheese!
Oh my cat that is every cats dream cheese cheese and more cheese.. Are you opening a cheese shop... Hugs GJ x
It looks like your prayers were answered!
I'm so glad you stopped eating long enough to tell us about it! :-)
What an amazing stash of cheese! You are SO lucky!!!
WOW! Do yoo fink yoo should host a cheese and whine party ~ 'cos we've always got lots to whine abowt and we LOVE cheese?
Milo and Alfie xx
Cory Cat, we are impressed. You could throw a cheese eating party for your whole neighbourhood and still have a big stash left over!
Awesome! We love seeing all that cheese in one place. Is this why Whitey was dreaming of cheese over at his place? You'd better save him some...
Gypsy & Tasha
OMC! We've never seen so much cheese!
You all hit the cheese jackpot!! Yep, time for a cheese party!
You're in cheese heaven! We agree - Cheese Party!!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Nothing better than cheese! We can't believe how much you have but we think it's time we visited ;)
Oh wows that all looks so delicious! I can't believe theres so much cheeses! Thats like a cat heaven!
Oh woweeeeee! G.T. is on his way over right now!
Luf, Us
Holy! Moly! That sure is a lot of cheese! I'm glad you didn't pass out though, Cory, so you were able to enjoy it. What lucky kitties you all are (and woofie, too)!
By the way, Jonesie has made another appearance on the LOLSpot today.
wow, is it really all for you?????
Oh wow. That is a LOT of cheese, Cory! Plenty to share with Whitey, even.
Holy Cheese, Cory! How are you ever going to finish that cheese without sharing some with us?!
Katie & Glogirly
That is A LOT of cheese!
O mai goodness! It iz the motherlode of cheese! Whitey wishes he wuz borned in Tillamook! :sigh:
Lucky felines!!! Lucky beans!
Yay for cheese, especially when in wheel shape!
Shhhhhhh....I'd better not tell Wizard or he'll teleport himself over there and apparate right in the middle of your kitchen! We'll lose him for good...shhhhhhh...
~Lisa Co9T
Wow! That's a lot of cheese. You have some mighty powerful dreams.
Oh my Cod! I have never seen so many cheeses in one place before! You hit the jackpot ::faints::
OMC! That is the most cheese we have ever seen. Mind if we come and join you?
This totally reminded me of those old commercials - "Behold the power of cheese"!
I'm with you: cheese is best! How come you got so much of it?
Holy Bast! That is a lot of cheese. Is it all for you?? You are very lucky - it looks nommy.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Gracie
That's a lot of cheese!
OMC! Look at that haul! How did this happen. The Kitty Secret?
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