The poppies have finally popped!

Grete is loving the yard. She chases and is a nuisance with all the other kitties, but she completely leaves me alone and won't mess with me. She knows that I own the garden and must follow MY rules. She was happy that the iris's started blooming since the raised beds won't be filled until Memorial Day weekend. And guess what...we almost forgot but today is Grete's 1st gotcha day anniversary. With all the excitement over Madison's birthday and Ellie's birthday and Ellie and Cory's gotcha day...we almost forgot about our girlie dog. She will get her own post tomorrow to make up for it. May is a very busy month around here.

Here I am marking the spots carefully for the new blueberry plants. We have 5 of them and spacing was an important task. I
instinctively know where to place them and I lay on the spot. I'm pretty sure my parents would never be able to figure out where to plant them if I wasn't telling them what to do.

Here is one of the blueberries in the ground, all nice and tucked in.

Here is my big secret tip of the week. My mom thought she saw slug slime on her lettuce. She thinks the only good slug is a dead slug. She captures them by sinking little plastic champagne glasses in the dirt, then fills them with beer. Works like a charm. This wouldn't be Oregon if we didn't have slugs. I'm a good girl and I don't drink the beer.

When the days work is done, it's time for a well earned nap on the deck. I can still keep an eye on things if need be. I gotta rest up because this coming weekend is a BIG gardening weekend. All the rest of the
veggies go in the ground.
Oh Grete, I can;t wait for your "offical" gotcha day post so I am just gonna scream it here.. HAPPYYYY GOTCCCHHAAA DAAYYY
I hope that we get to celebrate lots more too!
Now, momam says she would loev to se eteh progrss of your blueberry bush. Mommaplanted one (to try a cause itw as expensive), and it died on her.. I mean we did have a bad hot summer... but anyway.
I bet yours will do pawsome a cause you picked teh purfect spot Jonsie :))
Happy Gotcha Day Grete! We can't wait for your offishul post! Have a lovely enjoyable day!
The garden is looking gorjuss - we love the poppies!
You ae a realy good snooperviser. I bet you will see lots of good blueberries there.
Happy Gotcha day Grete, looking forward to your post tomorrow.
Hugs GJ xx
Happiest Gotcha Day Grete!
We're off to work in the garden too now. Got some nip to sow!
Happy Gotcha Day, Grete.
The Poppies are beautiful
Happy 1st Gotcha Day Grete!!!!!!!!
We has something for you and the kitties over at our blog.
We loves all the flowers. Our blueberry trees have been around for years and they already have blueberries ready to pick. Mommy has to get youngest boy bean (he is the tallest in the family) to help her pick them cause they are over her head. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris
The garden is looking really good, Jonesie, thanks to your snoopervision!
Jonesie, you are doing a superlative job in your garden. Your poppies are gorgeous.
Grete, Happy Gotcha Day!!!!!!! Hooray!!!!!!!!! Guess what, we share a gotcha day!:)
Happy Gotcha Day sweet Grete!! We are so glad you were gotcha'd by such a wonderful and loving family!!
Jonesie, the garden is spectacular!! Love the poppies! Reminds us of the Wizard of Oz!
Happy Gotcha Day and Best Grete-ings to Grete on her furst annifursary!
Jonesie, you are quite the helpful kitty in the garden. What would your purrents do without you to tell them where to plant things? You deserve a good rest after all that!
Happy Gotcha Day Grete! I have a ham. Do you like ham? I am not sure if dogs like ham as much as cats. Shall I perhaps get some piggy hooves?
Jonesie, your poppies are real beautiful!
Happy Gotcha Day, Grete!
You take such good care of your garden Jonesie!!!
Happy Gotcha Day Grete!!!
happy gotcha day Grete dog!
The garden looks great!
Your blooms are wonderful Jonesie! Very impressive!!
The blueberry bushes sound yummy. We were going to put some in this year too but we are trying to clean up our raspberry patch instead.
We think we are finally ready to do some cold weather crop planting this weekend. I wish I was allowed out to help!!
Purrs Goldie
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