This is a big weekend at my house. Memorial Day weekend is when all the veggies and herbs go in the ground. All danger of frost is past and it's time to get digging. Mom and dad had to go to the garden center so I had some time to relax on the deck. I was curious about where they go, so I rigged up mom cam. Cory said she had success with it.

When they got back I downloaded the pictures. Whoa, look at all the little plants! How does mom choose without me there?

I wish I could be there to sniff them all...

Hey wait a second...what the heck is this? Mom?! Is that why you smelled like another cat when you got home?

Oh no! He's giving me the raspberry. The nerve!! I bet he destroys the profits on their catnip... got some explaining to do!
Apparently his name is Mosey and he's one of the resident cats at the garden center. Mom said why would she shop somewhere where there are no cats? You got to support the businesses that have cats working there. That made sense to me. Sort of...I mean she didn't have to pet him did she?? I'm the supreme garden cat, aren't I?

See I can look cute in a box...

And I can give an upside down raspberry. Now that is talent!
Sounds like a lotta werk fer da weekend - hopes you gits some naps in too!
Jonesie, don't fret ... you are the Head Gardening Cat Supremo - the ones at the garden centre are just the labourers! And your upside down raspberry is far better than Mosey's right way up one! (Although we do think he is quite cute! BUT not as cute as you, obviously!!!!)
Milo and Alfie xx
We like it when mum puts the bedding plants and vegetables in cuz it means we can help. We dig lots of holes for her.
You did a much better raspberry than Mosey. It takes skill to do it upside down.
Oh dont fret, I am sure mum loves you the bestest, she is right though about shopping where there are cats. Love your upside down rasberry. Enjoy the gardening..
Hugs GJ xx
That rasberry is art, Jonesie! I saw you at Zoolatry's - lovely Gardening Cat picture.
Purrs, Siena
Oh Jonesie! What a great weekend of gardening! I think you looked great at Zoolatry's!
Enjoy your weekend of gardening, Jonesie...we know you're gonna be a big help to your mom and dad!
(pee ess...we like how you gave Mosey a raspberry back!)
You are some lucky cats, you gotcha a garden of yer furry don't have to share it with "customers"! We think there's nothing more fun that watching those humans work, while we sit in the shade and sip cat milk!
You are the supreme garden cat, Jonesie! Mosey is cute but he has a long way to go to reach your talent
Supporting kitty workers everywhere! Good for your Mom. Happy Digging!
I don't know how you manage to get the energy to do all of that work on a Sunday. I hope you have time to rest, Jonesie. If not, let me know so I can nap for the two of us - that's what good friends do. ;)
I watched the Woman plant from the kitchen window (where I am not supposed to sit). Our garden center also has a cat but it is much more polite and doesn't stick it's tongue out.
We kinda gave up on smelling all the different cats and dogs on Mom. She's a fur magnet! It looks like your garden is going to be fabulous!
Jonesie, that sure looks like a lot of gardening to be done!
Oh noes! Did your mama commit adultercatty on you with Mosey? You best mosey on down there yourself to find out -- oh, but I guess you don't have your driver's licence yet.
Anyway, Jonesie -- not to worry! Although mama may have petted Mosey she didn't bring him home -- and your upside down raspberry beats all!
The plants are very beautiful =)
Need not be jealous of other cats ... hehehe
Jas & Gi
Jonsie, I don't think you have anything to worry about.
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