We've got a bit of a dilemma on our paws ever since Nigel moved in. It seems that kitties and humans are starting to get us confused. That's a bit of a problem.

Nigel and I want to set the record straight. How many of you can look at these photos and say who is who? The answer will be at the end.

Nigel and I want to set the record straight. How many of you can look at these photos and say who is who? The answer will be at the end.
We thought we would put a little something together to help out. We do have some similarities, but we are quite different too. So we created our own 5x5 meme. Five reasons we are the same and five reasons we are different.
Five reasons we are the same:
1. We both have medium length black fur.
2. We both LOVE extra sharp Vermont Cheddar. English cheddar is also one of our favorites.
3. We are both vocal.
4. We were both homeless at one point in our lives.
5. We both like living indoors.
Five reasons we are different and NOT the same cat:
1. Nigel is beefy and weighs 15 pounds. Cory is petite and 8 pounds.
2. Nigel is the master of the sustained meow for food and attention. Cory is a diva and sings for the joy of it and the love of socks.
3. Nigel is still annoyed with Grete dog. Cory is Grete's favorite and Cory adores Grete.
4. Nigel is a boy and Cory is a girl.
5. Nigel ignores socks. Cory adores them.
Still need help? Nigel is on the left and Cory is on the right.

We knew who was who!:) Nigel seems to have wider set ears than you, Cory. That was what we noticed in the post with you two playing together with the little door. Ellie and Angus are nearly identical, too. Ellie is a little bit darker, but that only helps id them if they are standing next to one another.
We got it right! :)
Oh I got it right! I looked for the smaller cat! :)
Acshully, we can't believe how similar you two look! We were not sure who was who!
The upside: You can blame each ovver for crimes and misdemeanors.
The downside: You may get blamed for each others crimes and misdemeanors!
We love how the music matches your posts: double vision!
Milo and Alfie xx
ahahaha I got it right.. only a cause of Nigel's big manly face.. but you both are very close.. just lucky one of you is a pretty girl :))
You do look very similar and it would be easy to confuse you at first glance.
It's going to be 50/50 for us getting it right... unless perhaps you're in the photo together to compare sizes!
Wow, you do looks a lot alike but when you takes in da size factor I could tells dat was you purrty Cory on da right!
I think you do look so alike, but you can tell a little girlie if you look close.
Hugs GJ xx
Well, you'd think with all the times our human has seen Cory, she'd have guessed right... but
she didn't.
Guess we better visit y'all more often!
We could tell the two of apart. Nigel has a distinctive mancat look on his furry face!!
You two do look very similar.
You do look a lot alike but we could tell who was who based on size...Nigel does fill that cushion up a little more than you, Cory!
I got it right, but just by chance, I think. I was trying to compare to your other pictures in the sidebar. I know your faces must be diffurent, but it's hard to tell unless the photos are enlarged. What can I tell you -- black is beautiful at any size!
That was furry fun and I learned a lot of kibblebits about Cory and Nigel!
We got it right! It's easy to see your pretty face, Cory. Nigel has a more manly look.
We got it right after reading about your differences (the weight).
We loved this post.
We knew who's who! That was a fun meme!
I knew who was who, but you sure do look a lot alike!
You two look amazingly alike! Lots of people have problems tell us apart (ok, not Tamir but the Birman girls) but Mom never has to look twice!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Twins? Separated at birth? Hahaha ^^
Jas & Gi
I got it right!!
We Ballicai got it right! Yippee! You are both such beeyootiful kitties. But Cory looks girly, and Nigel looks boyish! Momma's gotten lots bettur at tellin gurl kitties frum boy kitties, hehe.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
How skeery fur yer momma! We has a screened sun porch fur da summer dat we yikes ta takez our sun bafs in. We yikes dose bafs cuz dey don't haz no water!
You guyz be careful and don't get hurtz jumpin' into placez yourz momma is worried 'bout.
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