Saturday, May 2, 2009

Saturday Surprises

Grete here! I've had a bad week. First, on Monday morning I didn't get my breakfast. I was thinking that wasn't so bad because I'm going for a ride in the car. We'll go someplace fun, right? Nope, I was dropped off at the V-E-T, which is a four letter word to me right now. They drugged me and took some of my girlie parts from me. I felt miserable for a whole 2 days. Then I started to get better. One of my favorite things to to with my dad is go to the post office every morning. I missed out on my post office visits for a few days because I couldn't get in and out of the car. So after faithfully going to the post office day in and day out for months without a single letter or package addressed to me...guess what happens. I miss a day or 2 and my dad comes home and says "hey Grete, this one's addressed to you!". What?

Turns out, my friends Jake, Molly and Shadow had heard that I never received anything in the mail addressed to me! They wanted me to have a present of my very own. Is that awesome of them or what? I had to open the package outside because I'm afraid of the flashy box...but for some reason the box doesn't flashy outside. Go figure.
Oooo, a dog toy....
and treats....
this is awesome...

I'm smiling...hurry up dad and open the package....
feed me a bite...
can I play with the toy now?...
forget the toy...I want more treats...

I'd rather wear the toy than play with it...

maybe I should have saved this for fashion Friday?

Thank you so much Jake, Molly and Shadow...and your beans too. You are awesome!


Pinky Ash and Boo said...

Greta, what a cool package you got. We're sorry you had to have surgery, but the kind you had is good for you.

Us4 Cats said...

what a wonderful care package full of pawsonality.

Misha said...

I bet that lovely present made you feel heaps better!

Forever Foster said...

What an awesome surprise:) Good friends can make everything feel better:) We're sending you big purrs, sweet Grete.

MaoMao said...

Oh wowie, what great prezzies! And we're sorry you hadded to have surgery, but it's a good surgery. We hope you're feelin bettur and bettur!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

ZOOLATRY said...

The lesson learned is that the week that starts out not so good can end up very good! Same goes for each day.
Glad you got such a nice gift Grete, you surely deserved it!

Anonymous said...

Grete, what a kind thing for your friends to do. We bet it made you feel tons better!

Cory, we are haffing the "losers" pawty next Saturday at our place - you said you would help out - so we wondered if we could hold it on both of our bloggies on the same day? That way it'll be twice the fun! What do you think? Effury one will be invited (those who are "losers", the ultimate champ, Misha for all the hard work, all the voters and anyone else who wants to come!)

Milo and Alfie (very cute losers!)

The Creek Cats said...

Oh wow, Grete! That was soooo nice of Jake, Shadow and Molly! What fun and wonderful gifts!

Thanks guys! We are so excited for the BCCP! This money will go along way for TNR! Thanks for your support!

The Florida Furkids said...

What a pawsome surprise! That was so nice of Jake, Shadow and Molly!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Cat with a Garden said...

Grete, that's pawsome beyond words! How very nice of your furriends!
Chilli so sympathizes with you. But you seem to be feeling much better and now you can play with your boyfriends without any worries - that's a good thing.
Hey Cory, what about our Niptinis? Save one for me at the loser's party! ; )
Purrs, Siena

Tuck said...

Grete, it must have been nice to find a little surprise after feeling down for a few days! I'm happy to hear that you are doing better and are back to normal!

CCL Wendy said...

We're glad that Sweet Grete is feeling so much better now after her ordeal at the V-E-T! Her FURiends are so furry thoughtful to send her a package full of doggie surprises.

Parker said...

Yay for Grete! Shadow, Molly and Jake are great friends!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

That is sooooo nice to get a surprise in the mail from friends!!! Especially after such an ordeal!!

Your Solomon Seal looks gorgeous!!!!

Purrs Goldie, Shade and Banshee

Sweet Purrfections said...

Grete, I'm so glad that your week ended up better than it started.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh what an awesome gift you got Grete! I hope you are feeling well again!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, Grete,you are so funny. Fashion Friday. What an idea. We'll have to try wearing our toys and have a fashion show. Sounds like fun.

We're sorry you were tricked and couldn't go to the post office for a couple of days, but what a treat to get your very own package -- finally! We hope you get many more.

Jenny said...


You are gorgeous. Duke would fall in love if he saw you in person!

ps. Duke is a long haired shepherd too, and mom has a special place in her heart for the long haired kind :)

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Sorry you had to get an operation but it was for a good reason.

You got a lovely package and that was a good treat.

Hugs GJ x

Anonymous said...

Cool stuff Grete!! And it is so cool you got your own package!
Your FL furiends,

Shelly said...

Sorry you had to go to the V E T, but that is a good surgery to have. I tricked my Ginger into going to the vet----she thought we were just going on a long walk, but we stopped there for some shots before heading home. Aren't surprises in the mail great? Nice to see you! There's a doggy on my blog today too, but she's a weimerainer. Have fun with your new toy!

Anonymous said...

Grete we is happy yoo gots the gifts we sent. Jake loves those treats and those kinds of rope toys, we hope yoo do too. Seeing as Jake is the only woofie we know, we asked his advice fer gettin stuffs fer ya. =)