Sunday, May 3, 2009

Easy Like Sunday Morning- or is it?

We've had stormy weather this weekend, so snoozing in bed is just the ticket. This may look easy, but it isn't...zzzzzz What? How difficult can it be to laze around in bed?
huh, what? No I'm not Cory Well, sometimes girlies come by and disturb my rest and I need to take a few half hearted swats with my paws...
I know you want to sleep here beside me... The part that is really tricky is figuring out exact center in the bed. I don't have a measuring tape, so I must use my kitty powers to get it just right...not to far to any one side or too close to the head or foot of the bed. Smack in the center is where I belong.



PDX pride said... look so cozy there, Nigel! Now, see, isn't that much better than being outside in all this storm? Glad you guys are all doing well this weekend. We are too.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think you are doing a fine job of snoozing. I know how hard it can be when humans keep interrupting!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Between your siblings and the humans, I don't see how you get any rest at your house.

The Florida Furkids said...

You look comfy in the middle of the bed! We're glad you're enjoying being inside!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Parker said...

Nigel, given the choice between a cozy bed or the rainy outside I am guessing you are liking the bed a bit better!
Good to see you!

The Island Cats said...

Looks like you got that all figured out, Nigel! Isn't it better inside thatn outside when there are stormies??

Tuck said...

Hey there Nigel! Isn't it great being inside?? It's so nice to see pictures of you with the other kitties around!

Forever Foster said...

It looks like you're really settling in now, Nigel:) That is wonderful!:) Snuggle well:)

CCL Wendy said...

That's it Cory, stretch out as far as you can from the center of the bed, so you take up as much of it as pawsible! That way, there's no room fur anybody else, and you won't be disturbed!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Glad you found a good place to snuggle in while there is a storm. You look as though you have got that bed just how you want it, very comfy.Enjoy ...

Hugs GJ x

Daisy said...

Nigel, it looks like you have mastered the art of bed snuggling!

Motor Home Cats said...

Nigel, we are so glad to see that you have settled in to where you feel like the bed belongs to you. Lazing around sounds like a great way to spend a rainy weekend.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

Quill and Greyson said...

Nice to see you all snuggled in!

Anonymous said...

What a nice place to rest! We are so happy for you Nigel!

Anonymous said...

Nigel, we iz so happy ta knowz dat you iz an inside kitty. Kittiez who live outside haz it really rough and tough. We iz gonna purr-ay dat you alwayz stayz inside wif your 'beans.

Celebratin' Mancat Monday, too☺

Cat with a Garden said...

Nigel, you are right up our alley! Peek-a-boo is a pawsome game! My, it was cold out there.

Cat with a Garden said...

Oops, we just saw we missed your lovely Sunday post, Nigel. Don't smack Ellie, she's right up our alley too. Siena says she will have to talk to her at the next garden party about the pros and cons of escaping...

Cat with a Garden said...

Oh, and while we're at it: Did we get the hint right that Cecilia would like to join the Silky and Slender Crew? Chilli says she would be delighted (even if the know) but she trust Bennette's judgement on this. She knows her best!

Shelly said...

That looks like a real cozy spot to be in during a rainy day!

Cliff and Olivia said...

It looks like hard work, Nigel ;-) Very sensible of you to stay inside and relax. Lovely pictures.